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The Harms of Marijuana
This was a part that was often left out in discussions by prolegalization groups when pushing for changes in laws. While the potential harms are significantly less, I agree with the video of not dismissing that there are harms.
One part that I often have an issue with is the studies relating driving impairment with cannabis use. Well, some are well designed, controlled studies that ensure that cannabis is the only drug involved. Some studies are only looking back at police enforcement numbers for accidents. Often those reports will not break down the difference between cannabis only or the person having multiple drugs in their system at the time. In addition, the fact that the tests for cannabis will come out positive for weeks after use further complicates the issue. I'm not making an argument for driving impaired while on cannabis, just noting some things that many of the conclusions on studies often leave out.
Critique of Star Wars: The Last Jedi
He felt they did a poor job with story telling, character development, and lacking consistency/continuity of characters and that universe.
I was curious so I started watching it and ended up watching the whole thing. I guess this is a new style for him? Very measured in tone. To be honest, I think I ended up watching the entire thing because it impressed me by how much time he must have put into this to get the level of detail he included. Even when something may not be quite in your wheelhouse of interests, I always appreciate seeing a skillful job accomplished.
TL;DW, but have an upvote. Is there a cliffnotes version?
I dare you not to find this mind-blowing!
Admittedly, i don't watch this type of video often, but it the twist of the ragdoll is interesting and it must take a great deal of skill, concentration, and body control. Kudos.
To be honest, this video made my heart unexpectedly ache so intensely that I had to take a walk after watching it and then sit in a quiet corner for some self reflection time. After an uncertain amount of time and 2 cups of tea, I realized what memory string this was plucking. Suddenly the magnitude of this emotional disturbance made sense. This wasn't a single thread, but something that spanned across years of my life. This girl reminds me of an exgirlfriend from long ago. She loved theater and did events part time. We were deeply in love and I thought we would be married, but life often doesn't fit in with unsought expectations. Often we are told to chase our dreams; however, this, for me, was only told to me in relation to what job or career I went into. I guess that I'm slow or just never thought about applying this advice to life as a whole. Well, regrets are a waste of time, but it nice to revisit the memories. Thank you for the sift. If I might beg your indulgence, I did do have one picture that was snapped of us in an unrelated news story. Unfortunately, it's the only photo left as I lost all of mine. Here is Bella and I getting a drink at the local bar.
Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists
I'm a victim of pho. I'm a battered man that can't even look up Pho shops' signs in the eyes... mocking me.... teasing me.... taunting me.... Don't you think I wanted some fish and chips? I did, but I was shamed and force into getting pho. I starting to enjoy it. I've tried seeking help, but I can't find PA groups and no one will take me seriously. "Oh, you wanted that hot tasty soup in your mouth." I'm losing control of my life. I've starting learning how to sew so I make myself clothes so I can start dressing like a bowl of pho. I need help.
Pho is Vietnamese noodle soup.
...Or do you really want to talk about "Pho-victimhood getting more press & media coverage than actual victims" Talk about off topic...why are you obsessed with people being victimized by noodle soups?!?! I've never even heard of that being a problem.
I prefer to focus on the issue of battered women....and I keep it simple-flour, eggs, butter, and milk.
release us-a short film on police brutality by charles shaw
Black people and police are not equivalent groups for comparison. Police are a special group that have legal authority to use force, including deadly, against people and you are at their whim if they aren't a good person.
I know that you used black people because you are trying to push that back on other people (projecting is the term, I believe) and black people are on your mind. I know, I know, you aren't racist. You are just "stating facts."
Police are just people. Some good, some bad. I've dealt with great ones and I've dealt with ones that lack any semblance of honor or integrity. The major issue I have is that that accountability for police bad behavior is unreliable and varies greatly. I believe part of this is pure self interest in people saving their jobs and keeping their department looking good while backed by an "us vs. them" attitude that becomes prevalent among police over time.
I think the "us vs. them" attitude is a tough one to avoid for police departments. I think multiple factors feed into that. Politicians outlawing victimless crimes makes people take police less seriously and see police as a nuisance instead of a helping force. Managing police departments by quotas and numbers instead of hiring good managers to actually manage people. Police unions that protect violent cops preventing the firing of known/shown unfit cops until they do something that is bad enough that even the union can't protect them. As a cop, you usually deal with the assholes of society which will taint your view over time. Well, it's not something that going to change quickly, but ignoring the problem with transparent and consistent accountability does nothing but kick that can down the road.
I'll wonder if you are the same person who watches a video of a black person misbehaving and say 'all black people are criminals'
you do the very same with cops
you should be ashamed of yourself
but if you'll only see the error of your ways and apologize, we will forgive you
release us-a short film on police brutality by charles shaw
OMG, right?!?! It's like how I know I'm not a racist because I have a black friend.
None of your arguments stand because Eric Holder is in charge of the entire US Dept. of Justice. He can't get it done? Ridiculous.
Going to the Doctor in America
Ever get the feeling that you don't know what you are talking about? You should.. probably on a regular basis if you make statements like this.
Let's ignore type I diabetes (which it is so obvious you have no idea what you are talking about.) Sure type 2 is brought on by poor lifestyle, but it can't be cured. It simply can't. However, with changes in diet and lifestyle, a person can control it to the point of not needing medications (baring some possible complicating issues.) Exercise is a important factor along with diet.
Did you mean controlled or curable? If you actually meant controlled, I would agree that the vast majority of type II diabetes can be controlled with a change in diet and lifestyle.
All diabetes is 100% curable, for example, with simple dietary changes.
Tiny Living - Couple builds and lives in 120 sq-ft house
LIES LIES LIES!!! This title is full of a lie! In the video, they state that it is close 140 sq ft... and yet, the title clearly states 120 sq ft. I am shocked, outraged, and extremely disappointed as I wanted to watch a video about a 120 sq ft tiny home. False advertising! I will be contacting my congressman and starting a letter campaign to send letters to random people explaining my outrage. I'm so hopping mad athat Idasf SADewfds.
Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) force-fed under standard Gitmo procedur
The benefits of ignorance, eh? If you can't make the minimal effort to educate yourself, then I certain won't waste any time on you.
This seems dumb. Not just the clearly scripted video but the apparent shock at what happens when you're a prisoner threatening to commit suicide (by starvation). Of course force-feeding is unpleasant. That's what happens when you're a prisoner and you refuse to eat. Don't want to be force-fed? Then eat. Don't want to be a prisoner? Then don't join groups that are internationally recognized as terrorists. And no, I seriously doubt that the majority of prisoners in Gitmo are innocent.
SubCultures - Cosplay
Here's my anal retentive action for the day.

I disagree. I would say it is more for focused towards the person who is interested in cosplay, but still feel held back by self-confidence issues or perhaps an abundance of peer or familial pressure from actually engaging in cosplay. I believe the tone and stories told for this video support this view.
My original comment was more that it seemed to be aimed towards females. I was 5/6 joking (with the other 1/6 being ok with it.) I view it similar to women working in IT. I've seen special programs set up that are only women for IT career advancement. While I experienced a small internal outburst of oppression (caveat - it's not oppression), it makes perfect sense as it is simply a fact that women are a minority in IT (generally.) I'm perfectly fine with groups that are trying to help individuals overcome possible stigmatisms while trying to do something they are interested in.
SubCultures - Cosplay
Ever feel like a video was made with target audience in mind?
Colbert's Book Club - Learning "The Great Gatsby"
Delightful. Thank you for the sift.
Bitter Pill - Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us Part 1
I can not verify because the content won't load for me here in the US, but this might be what you are looking for:
Canada - Daily Show episode
Canada - Daily Show extended interview
I'd love to watch this. Blocked in Canada?
Worst Product Placement in TV
I enjoy this show. Of course I'm not trying to compare it to other shows (yes, the UK version is fantastic... but let's include reality-tinted glasses when it comes to UK vs US shows.) I think the part that I enjoy the most is the idea, the setting. After losing the Woman, Sherlock Holmes loses control, hits bottom, forced out of his mind-numbing distractions of choice with rehab, and eventually moves to another country because he can't bare to be in the same country as his memories. Perhaps I see it as a man trying to recover from the soul-crushing experience of the only woman that he found worthy to love... and found so unexpectedly... perhaps I'm just a romantic... sigh.
I do not dismiss or hide from the show's faults, but all you gentlemen and gentlewoman can stay on your high horse while I shall enjoy both of the Sherlock stories, each as their own style.
Michael Greger, MD - The Cure for Heart Disease
My dad just had to have a stent put in and have medication. He's an active person who hates taking medication. He started following a diet by Esselstyn which is essentially plants-based and very low fat (i.e. no added oils, etc) with the goal of getting off his medication. I watched a video by Esselstyn and it was interesting. (I'll have to watch this one later as I need to leave for work.) He did not require any of his study group to exercise. One point he brought up that I hadn't heard before was about how olive oil is actual bad for you. While it does create a better ratio of cholesterol, it still increases it. He talked about two sequential studies (monkey and then rat) where each group were given either monounsaturated oil (olive oil) or saturated oil. At the end when the autopsies were done, both had very similar build of of plaque, etc in their arteries. It's made me decide to try to follow in my dad's footsteps when it comes to diet.
I also have a friend who is very happy and almost constant advocate of the paleo diet. IMHO, I think anyone will feel better if they steer away from processed foods, eat a variety, get plenty of fiber, etc.