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Don't Rear End Minivan Drivers in Dallas, TX

criticalthud says...

gettin hit by a car at any speed is pretty serious. adrenalin response. concussion, shock, fight or flight.
yeah he's faking it. u people are f0kin idiots

New Rule: Stop Apologizing

What if Neanderthals Didn't Go Extinct?

Japanese Girl Is A Better Drummer Than You

criticalthud says...

in my own practice, for a long, long time i found myself practicing my strengths, and i never really got far. Spun my wheels a lot. It appealed to my ego, but that was it. I think we tend to do this a lot as a society.
After a Berklee Music workshop in which I learned that most 7th graders had better fundamentals than myself, I almost quit music. I was pretty down. but...I kept working on getting over myself, and began focusing on my weaknesses instead of my strengths..., which really made me feel considerably retarded, but I kept at it.
With drumming, the weakness is generally the left side. And it was with me. No left side = no independence. So i worked at that, a lot. and in my late 30's, my muscianship took a huge positive step forward.
I'd say, practice your weaknesses, play your strengths. you can do it.
the approach dictates what you get. imho.

ChaosEngine said:

Talent will get you so far.
So will hard work and practice.

Want to be great? you need both.

Talent is meaningless without the dedication to build on it. Likewise (sadly) you can practice til you bleed, but you'll never overcome your innate lack of ability (I know, I've tried).

This girl clearly has both. Now, she just needs to dial it back a notch on the fills and let her groove show. Remember, the musicians serve the song, not the other way round.

Japanese Girl Is A Better Drummer Than You

criticalthud says...

unless u practice or something, like she did. Or after years of ignoring things like fundamentals and rudiments, you can conclude that talent is a special snowflake, and you either have it or you don't, and clearly, you don't, so quit now, cause this girl is 16.

Playing music benefits your brain

Donald Trump's first official campaign ad for TV (no shit?)

China's gamified new system for keeping citizens in line

Why are there dangerous ingredients in vaccines?

Expensive Wine Is For Suckers

criticalthud says...

i've had a few really expensive wines. By and large, pretty f----ing awesome. 'Course, it's all subjective, and sometimes you're paying for a label, but on the other hand, you generally get what you pay for.

bud light don't taste like a hand crafted brew. nor does franzia taste like a french cab.

Strength Is A Skill You Acquire, It's Not Only About Size

criticalthud says...

as soon as he 'broke' the guys wrist (bent it back), it was over... until then, he just needed to maintain the angle of the forearm to the upper arm while the other guy blew his load

Bill Burr - Helicopter Tours (2014)

5 tips to filming music videos

MONSTER Energy drinks are the work of SATAN!!!

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies - Official Main Tr

criticalthud says...

i feel kinda like i did before Revenge of the Sith came out.

(the formerly creative director, having cashed in, will try to redeem the preceding duds and his declining reputation with an over-the-top finale that will try to do too much, ultimately failing to deliver anything but a mediocre wrap-up).

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