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"One word says it all. Asian"

coolhund says...

I was actually talking about Trump at that moment.
Obama never founded ISIS. He helped create them, just like Bush.
And Obama helped Al Qaida, too, to topple Assad, with all the weapons, training and money they got. Directly or indirectly.

Payback said:

I think you're just being silly.

He FOUNDED ISIS, he never helped al Qaida.


"One word says it all. Asian"

"One word says it all. Asian"

coolhund says...

I just posted it here to think about it. It is still very fishy. But of course you can help me, unless of course you suggest that I am trying to defend racism. Then you have already made up your mind anyway.

In a world where a US president helps Al Qaida, everything is possible.

"One word says it all. Asian"

coolhund says...

A comment from Youtube:
"So, this horrible and blatant act of racism happened to occur to a former ACLU civil liberties counselor who majored in Critical Race Studies -- described as a major aimed at "naming one's own reality" by "using narrative to illuminate and explore experiences of racial oppression." Isn't it ironic and unfortunate that this would happen to her of all people?

What's also a little ironic is that Ms. Suh not only received these texts from a "Tami," but also happens to have a Facebook friend named "Tami" who posts on Facebook about "Tiny House Listings" -- a house rental service.

Speaking of which, it's kind of interesting that Tami showed up as "Tami" on Ms. Suh's phone, rather than as a phone number, isn't it? And there's a photo for Tami too. That means Tami is saved as a contact. It's a little odd for some random Airbnb host that Ms. Suh never met in-person to be a contact with a photo on her phone, isn't it?

Interestingly, if you look at Facebook-friend "Tami's" photos, they're all sort of artistic, colorful photos of inanimate objects -- just like Tami's photo in the texts.

If I didn't know better, I would almost, almost think that this stilted, formal, perfect little racist exchange between house-renter Tami and critical race studies major Ms. Suh, and the passionately tearful speech in the rain that followed -- why was she making speeches in the rain anyway? -- was, in fact, a carefully constructed "narrative" that Ms. Suh conspired to create with her Facebook-friend Tami.

But hey, that couldn't be right, could it?"


Trevor Noah: The Playa-Hater Phenomenon

coolhund says...

Oh my god... I thought the conservatives and their whining in form of such videos, Fox News and bad memes were bad when Obama won and won again, but these liberals/"democrats", really are worse. CNN crying all day long about their own Fake News, hypocrite AntiFa making a joke out of themselves over nothing, every day 5 of these videos here that have to explain to people why they have to hate Trump & Co. and more propaganda on social media than I have EVER seen before. Even Goebbels would have gone mad seeing the sheer mass of it.

Kellyanne Conway's interview tricks, explained

Why I Left the Left

coolhund says...

Funny thing is the old left is acting that extreme and downright lunatic, that the new right and new left are finding a lot of common ground now.

In Germany for example you can see that on Die Linke, a pure left party (links means left in German), which is actually well established. They are now suddenly talking about things that only the right wing would have talked about, so much that a new right wing party already offered some of them to join their party. Sure, they still have a lot of the old leftists among them who just keep raving in their delusions, but they are realizing reality and are leaning more and more to a policy of reality.

I said that before, if you act like extremists, you will lose the moderates and people who can still think for themselves, and thats exactly whats happening now. I considered myself more of a leftist than right winger too until a few months ago actually. Now, I would never go that far, because I know with what lunacy, hypocrisy I would be identified with. And that is actually making me mad, because there were a lot ideas from the left, that now have lost most of their credibility, throwing us all back decades, or more.

Terminator Responds To Trump

coolhund says...

lol, nice! Those 2 have the same humor as me and my friend.
Its hilarious how many dont understand it, part of why we do it.

Oregon Polar Bear Awakes to Snow. BLISS!

coolhund says...

We need manure to feed the world. Anything else will pollute earth and water even more.
Rain forest is also destroyed to make room for "bio" fuel plantations and other monocultures.
Maybe we find a way to collect sheep farts and use them, like here:

bareboards2 said:

@coolhund @JustSaying

Not just CO2 production. Also use of fresh water resources. Polluted water from feces collection (and yes, conventional agriculture is polluting water with chemical runoff.) In places, the cutting down of rain forest to create areas for beef production. The huge overhang of methane over New Zealand from all the farting sheep (that would be part of the CO2 mentioned. But I can't pass up the opportunity to actually type "farting sheep.")

"Beautiful creatures" are in danger. Not just these.

And I do eat meat. And drive my car. And am a hypocrite.

Oregon Polar Bear Awakes to Snow. BLISS!

coolhund says...

I think he meant climate change. Everyone indoctrinated by Al Gore crap knows they die from it. So if you eat less meat, you will lower CO2 production indirectly and save them!!!!1111eleven

JustSaying said:

I wish I could down-vote your comment.
Who the fuck eats Polar-Bears and Elephants?
I get it, you're a hard-core vegan but this is getting ridiculous. As if anybody eats Otter.
The destruction of our eco-system by humans is a very serious problem. You're not helping with this. And this is coming from a guy who likes sausage. The food where you grind up an animal corpse to a fine paste and stuff it into its own colon for consumption.
Again, I get your point, I just strongly disagree with your method. You're not helping your own cause.

Obama surprises Biden with Pres Medal of Freedom

coolhund says...

Medal of Freedom for a guy who supported several useless wars, from a guy who started several useless wars (and holds a Nobel peace prize).
How deep the US has fallen...
1984 looks like a picture book for children, compared to the real thing.

Trump-Funded Operative CAUGHT Soliciting Illegal Acts?

coolhund says...

Uhm, isnt that exactly the sort of thing these guys have been doing all along? Trying to prove liberals are doing shit like this by simply acting as the sponsors?
You know, like the undercover cop acting as a prostitute or drug dealer...

Anyway, am I the only one thinking this video seems like one of these documentary style "found footage" movies? The people in it all seem like very bad actors, especially that "Ryan Clayton". So weird.

bill burr reviews the movie-the orphan

coolhund says...

Some movies just need you to not be 100% logical. Actually a lot.
Ive seen it and it was actually pretty good. Reminded me of similar movies from the 80s and they did well implementing that into a modern movie.

But I guess if you live in a world where so called peace loving people (actually nobel peace prize winners) start wars, break international laws, support terrorists, blame other parties that werent even involved until the end for the whole war and who are just trying to defend a sovereign country, and then bring those people, they brought war to, into their own countries out of "humanitarianism", then a movie like this just cant make sense at all.

JustSaying said:

I heard what the twist of the movie was and refused to watch it because of its stupidity.
Same happened with 'Lucy' where the premise was too stupid to endure the film.

Adam Ruins Everything - Keep America Beautiful

coolhund says...

Haha, yeah. I hear those hypocrite "environmental activists" talking like that too all the time. Especially with the last part you can expose them easily. Buying a new car to save the planet...
Buying a used one is actually the best way to go, if you really care about the environment. But that doesnt offer as much prestige, of course.
Gotta love seeing these public AGW shills too, like Neil deGrasse Tyson, driving around in a 2.5 ton Audi long version with 450 HP.

Remember kids: If youre a hypocrite, nobody with at least half a brain will believe you anymore in anything.

Bernie Sanders: Trump's Tweets Are "Delusional & Insane"

coolhund says...

Mhm, would have been awesome with a person like Clinton as president who bullied Bernie out of the race and then Bernie kissed her ass, as if nothing happened, pretty much selling his soul to the devil. Much better than Trump. Mhm. For sure.

Not to mention Trump isnt even president yet.

What really makes me angry, is seeing such MASSIVE and unbelievably disgusting hypocrisy from the "good guys". In the last few months you guys completely changed my opinion about humanity and the world that we are living in. Congratulations.

Yeah, I know how allergic you guys react to un-PC stuff and people who try to make reality clear to you. So, you can save your replies.

But I agree. Grow the fuck up and fix your system, dont allow corrupt... individuals and whole god damn parties to speak for you, dont vote for them, dont support them in any way, speak up against lying media campaigns, even if they are against someone you dont like or for someone you support, and then maybe we can talk about real freedom of speech, democracy and human rights. Until then NOBODY, N O B O D Y with at least half a brain will take you seriously and will only see you as what you really are.

TheFreak said:

I'm so angry this man is not my president elect right now.

Good work douchebags. You thought you were so clever with your fucked up voting strategies, bitching about "lesser of two evil" choices, refusing to vote and taking a stand against...whatever the fuck you thought you were doing. Now we have a thin skinned, narcissistic, ignorant, man-child for our president.

Stop trying to rationalize this. This is not a voter revolt, this is not a paradigm shift in politics, this is not Hillary Clinton's fault or Debbie Wasserman Schultz's doing; this is the result of the masses falling for decades of misinformation combined with an emotional appeal to our worst instincts by a demagogue. You fell for it while you patted yourself on the back for being so much smarter than everyone else. Now we're fucked.

So grow the fuck up and do something to fix this.

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