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Japanese Show - the Cement Trap

What does your username mean? (Sift Talk Post)

codenazi says...

well... I was going idealistic in college in one particular class, where the prof gave us some particularly idiotic C++ code to use in a project, and ended up getting rather vocal about it. Several friends thought I looked like the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld, with my "No [C++] code for you [the prof]!", so they named me the Code Nazi.

It stuck for years in college, and now has the advantage of being unique, so I never have to worry about it being taken on any random site... ;

Star Trek - Borg Documentary

Bill O'Reilly's Hypocrisy Proven by a Guest

codenazi says...

I love how Andrew, when asked if he was persecuted for speaking out and such, responded with basically "no, nothing like that". Like... even though he's on "O'Reilly's side", he's still nailing him for making mountains out of mole-hills.

Andrew Keen - The Internet Is Killing Our Culture

codenazi says...

what, you mean the internet is doing what it was designed for?!

When I was working on early internetworking tools and trying to educate people on this new tool, it was sold as "a new media to allow better free speech".

And now, with youtube, wiki, (this site...), it's finally happening. The people are getting a voice, and the established elite are scared. Their days are numbered.

As a side note on this subject, I recommend watching Epic 2015.

edit: the old internet saying "The Internet treats censorship as damage and routs around it" seems relevant.

edit2: if you want to see the most visionary realization of the end result of all this "user generated mess", read Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge. It's a wonderful - probably highly prophetic - view of how the networks will end up as user-generated "overlays" of information all other information.

Carmageddon Intro Movie

codenazi says...

Pedestrian Electro Death Ray!

The use of Fear Factor was such a great idea - the metal/industrial hybrid that they do fit the energy of the game so well.

/Burton does sing well, for the style, but I agree vocals would have been distracting in a game soundtrack.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Mr. B Natural (part 2)

How to disqualify US job applicants (so they can hire H1-B)

codenazi says...

I believe this is one of the reasons you get a bunch of ads with impossible requirements, too. Like "5 years senior Java experience required", when Sun had only released Java a couple years earlier.

It's just a way to bring back indentured servitude. Sigh.

MDK Ending - A Live-Action French Art Video?

Diabolos from Cirque du Soleil

codenazi says...

You know... I saw them perform this in San Jose once, and in one of the really high throws, where it involved a big toss, jump and tumble, and catch by the same person, they missed it on the first try. Now, they picked right back up again like a good performer, did the stunt again, and everything went great. (not knocking the performer at all - they are highly talented!)

I noticed something really amazing, though, and that was the band. They are playing live to all of this, and had a big drum and orchestra "hit" when the catch happened in the song. When she missed the catch, though, they didn't play it! Somehow, in the quarter-second they had, the noticed she didn't make it and kept on playing the theme they were on, looped back 16 bars or so, and played it again for her! All perfectly seamless!

I know some of the musicians couldn't see the action, either, so it was all though the conductor. It was really amazing to watch. I've seen a lot of really good musicians, but this live "catch and correct" they did was incredible.

Megacity Tokyo Pyramid

codenazi says...


1) Yet again, Japan becomes more like EVA. (think the 'geofront')

2) That narrator really sound like a 3M corporate propaganda video.

3) Really cool idea, though, if they can pull it off.

Formula One's Infamous "Wall of Champions"

codenazi says...

if it was crashes all over the track, your point would have weight. The same place, though? Even years after, when drivers know about the "problem spot"? If it keeps claiming drivers at the same spot, I'd guess it's no longer (totally) the driver's fault, and something needs to be done to make the track a bit safer there.

I know I've heard of lots of races where they talked of canceling the race because they couldn't get a banked-turn installed soon enough, endangering the drivers.

Microwave a 250w bulb

codenazi says...

ahh, makes sense... though I'm sure I've seen some (normal incandescent) lights that have phosphor in it. It was probably one of those "natural sunlight" color-corrected bulbs, where they use the phosphor to mix with the primary light to get a second color spectrum out of the bulb. Or something like that.

I forgot about the "plasma==conductive" thing... which explains why you get a continuous spark after you exceed the breakdown voltage. (see: a jacob's ladder)

I need to go find a microwave I don't care about and put stuff in it...

The Worlds most dangerous drug - documentary by N.G.

codenazi says...

basically, yes, though it's a matter of perspective.

People seem to forget that by FAR the most dangerous and abused drug is alcohol. It does all of the bad things they claim that "hard drugs" do, and yet we ignore it all the time.

Yes, there are idiots our there that abuse amphetamines, just as there are idiots that abuse anything. As for screwing up communities, like most of the War On (some) Drugs, most of the problem is the fact that it's illegal and gangs/etc get involved.

Is it "addictive"? Yes, but no more than many other things people use all the time. Is it damaging if you abuse it? Yes, but so is everything else. I think it may surprise you how many people use such drugs - they are all around you, yet you don't see it because they are not idiots about it.

As for desoxin, my point was it's not "The Worlds most dangerous drug", as it's used therapeutically with a long history. It's nowhere close. Don't believe the propaganda. In the 80s it was "crack", now it's "meth". The name has changed, but the propaganda is the same.

/and by the way, morphine should be sold easily, for much the same reasons. Making it unregulated like it is now just forces it to the dangerous black market, and doesn't stop it's use.

The Worlds most dangerous drug - documentary by N.G.

codenazi says...

try republicanism

funny you mention that... I had a "friend" (term used very loosely) in college who was by far the most irresponsible drug user I've ever known. He invited a few of us to these Republican "rally" things, and the parties after had the most coke, liquor, pills, etc, than I've ever seen.

Like... "hey, I've been up for days on coke! Is that LSD? Lets go eat a 10-strip!"


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