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America Will Punch You

Civilization Revolutions

More Atheist Nighmares

cobalt says...

Wow that was terrible. While I agree that creationists are often downright stupid, this just shows how bad some supporters of evolution are at parody.

Jesus Loves You (conditionally)

cobalt says...

The standard atheist argument against Christianity (it doesn't apply to all religions) that if God was truly all powerful then he could make a world in which there was no evil *and* we had free will to grow as indivduals. If he can't do that then he isn't omnipotent. If he chooses not to, then he is not benevolent.

Omnipotence and benevolence are the two key Christian concepts about their god.

If nothing else this is an amusing animation in a distinctly British style, which I love, so its all good as far as I'm concerned

Rollerblade Bodysuit in the Swiss Alps

The Marijuana Conspiracy

cobalt says...

It also causes metal illness in 25% of its users...

Any figures that talk about the inequalities in our attitudes towards drugs, just seems to be an argument to make tabacco and alcohol illegal, not to start legitimising cannabis.

Pat Condell - Why Does Faith Deserve Respect

cobalt says...

I recently got a chance to talk to a creationist about the subject and I was really amazed by his beliefs. I couldn't care less what his faith tells him to do because it doesn't in itself harm anyone to think like that. What really riled me was his understanding of scientific theories and methods. He claimed to have done extenisve research into both sides of the argument, however it was clear from his understanding that he had only ever read the creationist literiture on science.

In the end that is my problem with creationism, its all propoganda against science rather than trying to stick to their own faith. They went wrong when they tried to challenge scientists on their home ground. If they had stuck with the "God did it" line, no one would be able to construct arguments against them on logical grounds. They'd only be vulnrable to philsophical arguments, but instead they opened up a front that they could never win without making up downright lies about the opposite view.

For example: he honestly believed that the theory of the big bang involved a hydrogen atom appearing out of nowhere and dividing through a mitosis-like process. This is plainly ridculous to anyone with even a basic understanding of how atoms work, so no wonder he considered the theory to require as much faith as creation or ID.

I could right an essay just listing all the factual errors he made. Not assumptions or theoretical errors but actual facts that he got wrong. Many of them fundamental to understanding the scientific method.

I can only assume this misinformation is written, specifically to provide extra arguments against scientific theories where they cannot find flaws in the logic of the original model. A straw man fallacy on massive scales.

Family Guy: James William Bottomtooth vs. El Chombo

Billy Connolly - A row of teath, an asshole and two fins

Equilibrium - "Ode to Joy" Scene

cobalt says...

Well it was a low budget film. The gun kata premise is supposed to allow you to anticipate what your opponents will be doing in a combat situation. The idea doesn't really work because in order to apply any statistics to a gun fight you would require such superhuman senses that the statistics are redundant. However no one complains when heros have seemingly infinite ammo cheats enabled and it looks pretty cool.

And I'm not sure how the premise of the film is dumb. It follows neatly in the path of many iconic sci-fi books such as 1984 and A Brave New World.

Acting was a bit stiff but then I guess that was the point

Banned Ad Depicting George Bush - Why was it Banned?

cobalt says...

BicycleRepairMan, 'this moron' does not work in advertising, he is a cartoonist for 2DTV (political parody). Its called humour people, get over yourselves. Its not as if Bush doesn't know that loads of people think hes stupid. If is doesn't know that then it rather proves this ad.

LinuxBIOS boots in 2 secs with graphical X server

Sequel to the best homemade lightsaber duel ever!

I Must Be Emo - Video

cobalt says...

Why did they do the credits in red? I guess they don't know too much about what compression does to sharp red lines.

I think I first heard this song over a year ago, I'm surprised no one made a video before now.

Family Guy - The A-Team intro

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