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Know Your Meme: Standing Cat (Breaking Meme)

choggie says...

So ant-I have a theory. The reason why cat videos don't do that well here on the Videosift may be that those who hate everything "cat" are retarded, developmentally disabled, or otherwise full of them selves thinking that they are
A. Too intelligent (the over-rated brand of the same) to bother with such poo because they have opinions on religion and politics that they masturbate publicly with rather than simply doing the real-deal on chat roulette or...
B. Their infantile imprints which scare the holy fuck outta them because they'd like to like cats but can't help but hating what they don't understand, keep them from working on themselves.

Any ideas??

By the way, oh ye who fancy yourselves smarter than the average bear...
Intelligence in the hands of a fool is similar to a baby with a sub-machine gun. Who knows where they got it or what they are using it for but stay away from them, they might be serious.

No Ordinary Genius: Richard Feynman

How do you know God isn't real?

choggie says...

"working knowledge of reality"

whose reality sagemind.
What IS reality?

answer: A construct....2. To devise; to invent; to set in order; to arrange; as, to construct a theory of ethics...or REALITY!

ACDC Vs Iron Man 2 - Architectural Projection on Castle

choggie says...

V, the weakness is in the 2-d presentation mate-Simply does not do justice to scale, sound, etc. as with any form of multimedia designed to alter a state of consciousness. Dig, not saying you shouldn't keep yer personal bar set as high as possible-I am surprised (not really though) more users would not vote this up but hey, most folks here would rather watch TV news posts or see people fucking themselves up....

geo321 (Member Profile)

choggie says...

I gave that channel back to the site when I had the power to do so-I created the channel but can't do anything with it-it's Videosift's....but yeah, fuck yeah-anything that speaks to less "pussified" times..folks, can go there-
There was a user here a couple years ago (raven....female) who I was pretty tight with...we chatted one night and she convinced me to create a channel for some shits and giggles-her's was the Horrorshow-now that she's gone, that channel too, has no owner...I think-I don't look at channels anymore.Never did really-

My first channel was EIA, then Jazz/Blues (gave that one up to kulpims i think), then wildwestshow -surrendered that one to start another, Videodrome, which never came to be because dag unilaterally decided that I had had created too many channels already-Bout that time, I got double-teamed by a couple of popular users, and then I decided, "fuck this" and summarily broke every rule stated in the FAQs in a span of 20 mins, got banned, the rest is Siftstory-

For a year, off and on, I created about 10 other accounts, (never wanting to be back if I could not have my old account back) and it was like a game for these two douchebags to find me out (made it pretty obvious)and instaban me.

It was a fluke that gwhiz665 posted a poll to allow me back, and dag decided at that time to allow me to return conditionally.....the only power i don;t have anymore is making a new channel and leaving private profile comments. That last caveat is because certain pussified individuals could not stand their own fucking medicine, when served cold. One bailed (kronosposiden) and one refuses to enter into any meaningful discourse with me, well, because he's Blankfist. I had issue when he came with his asshole showing and a cat fart video evoking my handle here.

In reply to this comment by geo321:
I had a great time out of that. Especially the Betty Page one...such a brilliant video. A question for you though, since the wild west show is your channel... does a video like this apply...
In reply to this comment by choggie:

A few favorites from the VS wayback machine-I think we need a mash-up channel m'self(3 of my favs here)

(that last one is Janet Klein whom I have a particularly hardcore crush upon )

I don't know what is is about Jewish chicks I dig so much-

Rachel Maddow: Racist Roots of Arizona Law

choggie says...

The southern borders to the south are porous by design.
Mexican nationals have been here for over 2 centuries and only when the ramped-up destabilization of the U.S. by the elites who really run the show entered another phase did the signs of real strain begin to show.

Ike saw a reason to curtail the dark elements within the power elite (Imperialism) with his MIC speech on his way out as well.
The real enemies of humanity use race-baiting and propaganda in the form of spokespeople like Maddow..... constant newsspeak programs piped into every home, 24-7/365. (see Orwell's epic rant) Their agenda has been the same for a long, long time....Empire-building, consolidation of power, dominion.

Simple formula really-The elements of a successful takeover include destabilization of economies and nations through tactics we are experiencing worldwide.This shit is not unique to any one nation anymore because power and dominion over the planet have reached planetary proportions and is no longer relegated to individual nations. Next phase is coming soon......... one big country called the NAU.

This shit (National News cunts taking sides) is diversion. The real issue is how the systematic dumbing-down of populations while distracted by infotainment has kept most of the planet's landless peasants in a state of hypnosis ala bread and circuses and endless legalities with a view to enslaving far it has been utterly successful, evidenced here in the delusional reasoning in most of the comments above.

The regime that may become our future (if you all don't pull your collective heads out of the asshole of television) will be totalitarian, and worldwide.....Corporations exist on the scale they do nowadays, because we forgot how insidious consolidation of power is.

I don't believe people will continue to sleep though, I have more hope for humanity than that.

The elimination of currencies, free energy and full-disclosure of the crimes of our keepers is the next step in human evolution.There is simply a cabal of fucking human garbage who have successfully pulled the wool over the eyes of us for too long and these times are either the birth pangs of awakening, or the prelude to more complete global enslavement.

- (Blog Entry by rasch187)

Knife throwing mother from the 50's

She Lives-feat. Betty Page

Judas Priest - Diamonds and Rust (Live 1982)

Embedding code for flash is different? (Sift Talk Post)

My Dream World

Hey Earthlings....Open Yer Noggins (Blog Entry by choggie)

choggie says...

>> ^Deano:
I think you'd make a great life coach.

Too much ego in the way-Tried very mixed reception, mostly reactions and denial.Predictable given the degree of hypnotism the bulk of the planet's inhabitants wallow in.

Hey Earthlings....Open Yer Noggins (Blog Entry by choggie)

choggie says...

>> ^dag:
I don't know Choggie- although the setting of that video at the National Press Club lends it a lot of credibility- I didn't see any really persuasive evidence. My feelings are that actual in-the-flesh alien visitation is possible, but highly unlikely.
>> ^choggie:
Now....those of you who choose to, go back to sleep.
@dag-Their agenda,according to those in the know, is a benevolent, transformative awakening from our current rush to render this planet uninhabitable-
Individuals have not done it, save through complicity with thise who have created this framework for the destruction of our planet through the raping of her resources.
Corporations and governments must be eliminated before we can take the next step.

As unlikely as free energy? As unlikely as self-replicating nanorobotic manufacture of anything? As unlikely as anything that would render your current world view extinct should you suddenly be able to see 50 years into the future of the planet?

Why since this very public and formidable testimony to the press,has this issue not been placed before congress? Ask yourself this and afford yourself cushy answers until your brain explodes, they are scared shitless of what panic may occur-The world is so much bigger than what we as peons have access to-so much bigger.....

I personally knew a SAC pilot who when asked what he had seen during his over 40 years flying everything there is to fly for the military, he used the nick-name they used in the force for a UFO, said he saw them, then would speak no more on the matter-These people who came forward from the military in the NPC event a few years back, did so knowing that the people who swore them to secrecy could and would easily have taken everything from them, including family and friends.

Hiding shit is the only way people like the Bushs' can go on living-If we knew half of what Bush senior has done he would immediately be arrested, and sumarilly executed,by an enraged world.....You people think he was bad for the shit we DO know??!! Jesus man, truth is ALWAYS far stranger than fiction.

The logistics of disclosure include the inevitability of widespread panic on the part of the masses should they be shocked into consciousness with information hidden from them by their governments....UFO's are mild compared to the crimes commited by our so-called leaders past and present, some of them still breathing air thanks to files classified for over 40 years(assainations, coops, etc). The truth is not that hard to find, but people need to sto beingprogrammed like cattle by the machine(television,wage-slavery,endless legalism, etc.) The world is groaning for information..they are given half-truths, infotainment,and flat-out bullshit to shape their world views.

dag (Member Profile)

choggie says...

Hey Dagmar-How are you going to set up the streaming channel? Now that there are soooooo many

I don't know how many are embeddable, but, DAIM!-I wasted a few hrs watching old Star Treks I had never seen before, and a few with all the great alien chicks that gave me wood back in he day....

I only hope that internet content sticks to the very amenable, unspoken rule of only 1 commercial every 15 mins or so...I can see it getting thick with adverts though, as thick as television, the drug of the nation..

(by the way, thanks again for the charter-I been thinking of getting someone here on the site one, with a similar contest.)

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