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Building Paint-Bombed-Performance Artchitecture

choggie says...

Maybe the bags on the structure were simply water, and the color came later via CGI->> ^kymbos:

Yeah, I think so. I thought it was all CGI, but perhaps not?

Maybe the bags on the structure were simply water, and the color came later via CGI-

dag (Member Profile)

choggie says...

Hmmm?? From the way you penned yer poll it looked like you were going to let the votes decide and set it up admin-styley....i assssumed-

So why not assign me the task? I don't have a channel anymore. I can't even tweak the wildwestshow (which no one wants and which I gave up to the collective before starting the jazz channel....which i gave up to start the Videodrome channel.
I could call it VideoDRONE (the constant feed)-Just kiddin' man, I don't want a channel, but it would be nice to have it soonish-I really don't think it matters much if people can vote on the feeds either...that aspect of it is an issue for some folks (but not too much an issue) and it would be a shame to take away the 300 or so votes from burdturg, who has posted several now and done pretty well vote-wize with em'.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Yeah, we're probably going to need a channel for *stream - it does seem to be the new new thing. Maybe someone with a fresh ruby will step up.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
Hey Dagmar-How are you going to set up the streaming channel? Now that there are soooooo many

I don't know how many are embeddable, but, DAIM!-I wasted a few hrs watching old Star Treks I had never seen before, and a few with all the great alien chicks that gave me wood back in he day....

I only hope that internet content sticks to the very amenable, unspoken rule of only 1 commercial every 15 mins or so...I can see it getting thick with adverts though, as thick as television, the drug of the nation..

(by the way, thanks again for the charter-I been thinking of getting someone here on the site one, with a similar contest.)

Rachel Maddow: Racist Roots of Arizona Law

choggie says...

>> ^burdturgler:

>> ^lampishthing:
With all this uproar I haven't read anyone offering a different solution. Any ideas?..
I don't agree with the racial profiling but it's worth keeping in mind that this law will be popular until they have an alternative to solve the problem and if the law is taken away by the feds while it's still popular it will make things worse - make the people angrier and more ruthless on the issue.

^Integration is the key. Make it easier for people to legally immigrate and you'll have less illegal immigrants. Trying to stem the flow of people who want to join our country is not the answer. Spend the money on speeding up and creating easier access to the legal immigration process. America is not supposed to be about building walls, it's supposed to be:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

They want to "join" our country rather, FLEE their country because the level of crime and corruption south of the U.S. (assisted every step of the way BY the U.S.) has reached a level any reasonable citizen would have pulled a Bastille Day on their asses for, and killed every last member of their government for getting them there, had they had the education and intelligence. Instead they, like most fucking Americans, are too wiped out from working and too addicted to drugging them selves with chemicals and entertainment.

You are as out of touch as the rest of them buuuurdturgler.

Rachel Maddow: Racist Roots of Arizona Law

choggie says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

We should be fining Mexico one barrel of oil per illegal per day. And obamarx is mad that he'll be losing more of his voters.

The Michael Savage approach, eh qm? You, like he, broken record. He's a semantic entertainer whose actions, were they as true as his words, would amount to more than doing exactly what NetRuiner does for the videosift, spouting rhetoric, blaming others for the ills created by world citizens letting petty tyrants and corporations continually fuck them in the ass.

Both sides are ineffectual, both parties are ineffectual, taking sides "liberal" or "conservative" is an ineffectual, mental and spiritual masturbation session of vapid, nauseating proportions.

Voting has become akin to treating a sucking chest wound with gauze and Neosporin.

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What are your criteria for upvoting? (Or Downvoting) (Sift Talk Post)

Embedding code for flash is different? (Sift Talk Post)

Embedding code for flash is different? (Sift Talk Post)

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