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One Way To Take Your Morning Shower

starfish are dying on both coasts

chingalera says...

↑↑↑ Horror titles...

Night of the Starfish
Death Star (fish)
Star Light, Star Blight
Countdown: Sea Star

Oh, the Asteroideanity

artician said:

Oh my GODS.

"The arms crawl away in opposite directions from the body until they rip themselves off".

Then it shows footage of an amputated arm, crawling away on its own. That's straight from a horror film. FUCK.

George Harrison - Crackerbox Palace

George Harrison - Crackerbox Palace

Big Jump Small Cat

Die Ärzte - Unrockbar

Touring the Southern Alps in winter

chingalera says...

^ While we love getting riled at the state of human affairs, love to rant and wax gloom 'n doom, I've always maintained that Earth's beauty and ugliness is but a mirror and the place will reclaim her bounty and brilliance pretty quick shortly after the shittier humans disappear....May take a quick visit from the ancient ones though

Matthew Silver - The Great Performer : The Back of the Busk

chingalera says...

It's exactly like working with children Mike....Incidentally, that exit to the roof with the cup of coffee, many times to the solitude of a similar egress for myself.

Republican and Democratic 'leaders' sing 'we will overcome'

chingalera says...

Which flavor of Guyana Punch do you prefer? These politicians are pieces of shit and this ruse they perpetrate an actionable distraction from the crimes they willfully carry-out daily with approval from clueless boobs, some of whom may be your fellow drinking victims.

The government fed to the United States was taken by coop years ago and the culmination of the all they have accomplished is evidenced in your delusion and the coming shit-storm of jackboots enforcing the will of the criminal elite, and folks like you will line-up for more as long as you allow them to continue to suck air.

deedub81 said:

I think we'd all agree that we need more civility and honesty and friendship between our leaders in the government, right?

We need more of this kind of thing and you guys mock them? What's wrong with you? I think this is great.

BBC Anchor omits a Somewhat Crucial pause in his opener

Cat Stuck in Suspension Spring of SUV

Itchycoo Park - The Small Faces

Randomly Paired People Slap Each Other

chingalera says...

Uhhh yeah, a slap from a lady (or the smallest guy in this viddy) may simply make Payback here a bit jocular or perhaps horned-up or at worse, just get him going....and if I saw a cat this built go at woman being as short, stout and slower nowadays as I goin' for some hamstrings with good steel or using some powered device of some sort to intervene-Not that I'd really wanna even ever even have to do something as bold-faced and silly :0


chingalera says...

Again and again with the false sarcasm....Who is this charlatan anyway with a personal hard-on for anyone who doesn't suck his dick?? Transparent bullshit and you want to force me into a goddamn corner?? Fuck that shit.

"Pretentious polemics and entitled self-interest, isle 13-This week only, two-for-one asshole with your purchase of one or more king-sized-tow-sacks of adult garments ."

About as rational you are as Chipotleaway...

newtboy said:

WHAT?!? You expected rational acceptance of a reasonable statement, even a statement he's made repeatedly himself? You really haven't been paying attention, have you?

Who knew metal milling machine could be such fun?

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