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Lee-Coc-Dey Watchin'

Zero Theorem Official Trailer #1 (2014) Christoph Waltz HD

chingalera says...

Poised to be the best cinematic offering of 2014, which may very well go down as a seminal milestone for some of the shittiest films ever hatched in Hollywood....

Classic Cinematic Masterpiece: The Thing with Two Heads

chingalera says...

Sorry dude- choggie, for the gajillinth time, was trying to make a point about the recent terminal virus infecting hipsters/losers and moronic white people in-general.....The robotic distraction with declaring EVERYONE and EVERYTHING racist regardless of context or meaning....Already here-

lucky760 said:

Oh, come now.


Sarah Palin argues it's time to impeach Obama

chingalera says...

Sorry-You are wrong, wrong, wrong. The '24-hour-news' cycle is an illusion. This shit is pumped-into homes 24/7 with a view to PROGRAMMING you.

If you'd like an example of how effective the formula of disinformation and distraction has become, you have but to read this thread and compare the opinions and editorializing on this ("Palins' a fucking idiot", fucking, "fox is shit, blah, blah, blah") particular distraction, to a grade-school argument over which character from the Transformers is the strongest, why dogs are better than cats, etc.

Editorializing over these talking-head fuck-sticks....Mind-numbingly retarded and an insult to meaning and intelligence. Please peeps, get a clue.

Television has become the worst drug imaginable, a weapon and tool of fascists and thugs, and you people eat the shit up like Skittles....Behold the instrument of your brain's demise.

VoodooV said:

wow, they really are copying fox news.

I may completely agree with him but that was ridiculous, but then again, Orly is a ridiculous person. I guess that's the question then. What's worse, giving ridiculous people a platform, or a press that behaves ridiculously too?

im thinking this is just a symptom of the 24 hour news cycle. they don't have enough news to fill that 24 hours, so they create their own drama. giving airtime to people who are not experts and who are not rational.

Caesars - Jerk It Out

Britney Spears - Alien (NO AUTOTUNE)

chingalera says...

No way dude, karaoke is karaoke because it's the go-to way for you to watch people you don't know who think they can sing, completely ass-rape one of your favorite songs in a public place.

The Japanese people had to find a way to return America's gift of annihilating the collective spirit of Nippon-nationalism with A-bombs. What better way than to have one of your favorite tunes (having been burned into your circuits the way the artist intended), horribly flensed by some tone-challenged wailer?

'Karaoke' is the Japanese word for 'revenge.'

Fairbs said:

Manufactured music has pretty much always been awful. They just promote the crap out of it and once it hits a critical mass, it's all over.

Personally, I don't really care if a singers voice isn't great. A fairly well know example would be Bob Dylan. It's the passion or the message that is important to me. I actually think most of the music I like has pretty lackluster singers. Primus, Superchunk, Dinosaur Jr. come to mind. And then there's bands like the Pixies who have great vocals and the passion.

Autotune should be banned except for Karaoke where it should be mandatory.

Sarah Palin argues it's time to impeach Obama

chingalera says...

Me neither artician-The point of promoting this programmed tripe here on the videosift was for yet another robotic putty to poke fun at imbecilic news rants from goons whose only program is to build their microcosmic personal empires and make self-deluded sophistic dreamers a bit more satisfied that their particular take on how the world works is far superior to the next imbecile's damaged world-view.

There's only one real cure for the terminal U.S. government and its hijacking by oligarchs, financial criminals, and cocksuckers...Tear it the fuck down. The first step, stop watching these pricks, all of them.

Fireworks Control System Activation

Kanye West - Black Skinhead

chingalera says...

So sayeth Billbong Saggins, just another cracker-ass, nut-scratching computer-chair spoiler and unsolicited critic of sheit music...

newtboy said:

Yo, dumbass, the 300 were Spartan, not Roman or Trojan.
It's interesting to me that people still pay attention to this gay fish and his hobbit woman. What's up with that?
I'll admit some of 'his' music is OK, but I rarely like the lyrics and never his 'singing' or 'rap' (they can't overproduce it enough to make it 'good' to me), and I don't think he writes the music.
As a person, he's just a bad train wreck.

"Friday Night Smack Ups" With DOA5 Ultimate on XBL

"Friday Night Smack Ups" With DOA5 Ultimate on XBL

The interactive storm cloud light

chingalera says...

Jesus, someone saw some white people coming from way off....
You will need:

cotton balls
$20 worth of led bulbs and control circuit

"Oh look Susan, some art."

Shepppard said:


Don't worry though, shipping is free to the U.S.

Chemical Treatment: Secret of Stradivarius

chingalera says...

Someone needs to be making violins, guitars, etc. with the recovered wood from the great lakes. Incredibly preserved hardwoods cured and petrified in the icy waters of Lake Superior-These instruments in the hand of master luthiers will survive 300+ years sounding better every year.....


oritteropo said:

There have been many attempts to copy the techniques used by Stradivarius, and some of the results have been really good violins... but until now, as far as I know, none of them would ever be mistaken for the real thing.

Confusing 10 seconds in U17 World Championship

Dog and Priest Praying Together at Japanese Buddhist Temple

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