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Reaction Time

carrot says...

Wait, does anyone else think his reaction was really strange? I mean, not the not getting killed part - I can see why he was shooting for that. More specifically, I meant the returning to the sidewalk and continuing on his way with only the occasional glance backwards. Is he not, perhaps, interested as to why the driver just broke one of the unwritten laws of driving ("Don't drive on the sidewalk"...come to think of it, that is probably written down somewhere).

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A Serious Plea from a Fledgling Member (Cult Talk Post)

carrot says...

>> ^burdturgler:

Here's my advice. Don't worry about votes.
Don't sift for votes. Don't change your titles for votes. Don't sift crap for votes.
Sift because you want to share something. Sift because what your sifting matters to you. Sift because you found something entertaining, meaningful or funny.
But don't sift for votes.
Don't worry about rank or votes.
Be yourself, sift what you love, share yourself with us .. and that's it.
The votes take care of themselves.
... thank you for being a part of our dysfunctional family.

Agreed, wholeheartedly, and sound words. But, the fact is that votes -> more people seeing your stuff, which accomplishes the actual goal you set out to achieve...sharing something you liked. I make the request less because I would like more points (even though I have it on reliable authority that the people with the most points get into heaven), but more because I am sad at all the really good stuff out there that gets missed. It was more to ask the community to please look out for the fact that just because someone is not posting in volume does not mean they are not posting high-quality stuff that should be watched!

The statistic that a video got 4/4 votes is not to say, "Wah, I should get more votes" (I'm of course happy just enjoying the stuff the rest of you put up for me), but rather to make the point, "Look, I thought this was awesome, and the people who watched it thought it was awesome, and so I wish more people would see it." The beautiful thing about this site is that I get to enjoy all the wonderful stuff others put up without having to give back at all (and have been doing so for a couple years, without less vocal attempts to give back) - I was just begging the community to give me a better chance to give back because I want to!

And they have been very obliging. But there are still other probies out there who are not having success, and we don't want to scare them away from the community by teaching them that it is really hard the share stuff, and thus seemingly not worth their while.

burdturgler (Member Profile)

Elite Taekwondo & Math Academy

Octopus Steals Video Camera & Swims Off (While Recording)

A Serious Plea from a Fledgling Member (Cult Talk Post)

Why math is dangerous...

carrot says...

The last is not really an assertion one can make in the same way as the other two...that's just a stated Lagrangian for a set of Standard Model Interactions, whereas the other two are provable in some system.

But the dance is awesome.

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