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Someone Finally Stands Up to Bush

biminim says...

It makes no difference whether or not one person stands up and criticizes the man. He just doesn't care. Nor will he care. I've worked with people like him, as I'm sure many have, and he is one of those semi-sociopathic folks who really cannot begin to internalize any criticism, for to do so would lead him to contemplate many other things in his life that reflect poorly upon him. In the February, 2000, issue of Harper's Magazine, an article by Joe Conason and Kevin Phillips titled, "Notes on a Native Son," laid it all out regarding George W. Bush and his lifetime of failures from which he was rescued by his father and his father's wealthy and influential friends. Every single achievement of Bush's--Yale, Harvard Business School, the oil business, being an owner of the Texas Rangers, governor of Texas, the U.S. Presidency--has been made possible by the connections and influence of his father and his father's friends. He has done nothing on his own. He has nothing of which to be proud. How could you be proud if you had never been able to accomplish anything, anything, in your life without the shadow of your father looming over you? Some say that is one of the reasons why he blundered ahead with the Iraq War--so that he could escape his father's shadow, do something his dad didn't do, and be successful on his own terms. Well, he failed.
Look at how he chuckles, hitches up his shoulders, looks down at his supporters in the front row. He doesn't give a shit. That's why he won't apologize for anything. He'll never apologize, never say he's sorry, never admit to a mistake. That kind of person never does.

Ignorant Bigot Needs A Science Class.

Naomi Klein Debunks Bush's offshore drilling plans

biminim says...

"She's feisty, isn't she?" What a moron Gomez is. Bolling is no better. Klein is very smart and she has important things to say. But Fox viewers just want to be confirmed in their biases, such as that such a thing as free market capitalism exists.

If this isn't *eia, NOTHING IS.

How to Spot a Fake Smile!

Kid Rock Says It Is Ok To Steal Everything

Killacycle Crash

biminim says...

I hate to laugh at someone else's misfortune, but this was kind of funny. I mean, no helmet? Did you notice that both of his shoes were knocked off? He seemed pretty calm about the whole thing as he lay there, though. He's probably just trying to play it off, though. Inside his head, his little man is setting shit on fire and throwing paper everywhere, shouting, "We're gonna die, we're gonna die!! Help us, help us, oh, God, help us!!"

Unbelievable Club Bouncers Beating the Shit Out of Patrons

Do you think this cat wants the refrigerator open?

Cable news anchors choke on Jesse Jackson's "nuts"

biminim says...

They can wave the pom pons as they cheerlead us into a war, but they can't say the word, "nuts." They can engage in babel about the financial mayhem going on, painting an unrealistic picture about an ongoing meltdown, but they can't say the word, "nuts." Mercy.

McCain Jokes about Killing Iranians

Attack on Iran would turn region into a fireball

biminim says...

History is a long series of screwups held together by the decency of average citizens and the occasional vision of true leaders. No way should we attack Iran, which means that it will probably happen. If it does happen, the stock market will implode, oil will go to $250 a barrel and gold to $1300 an ounce within two to three weeks. Then we'll really see the shit start to hit the fan.

Vets react to McCain saying troops "Not too Important"

biminim says...

Many people seem to think that McCain has "earned" the presidency because of his service. Becoming president is not a reward for past deeds. The person who earns the presidency should be the person who makes the best, truthful, case to the American people that he will be the best among the candidates at faithfully executing the office, defending the Constitution, unifying the country, and moving it forward through the challenges that lie ahead.

I Like Your Nurses Uniform, Guy.

Volvo crash - amazing in-car camera mount

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