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Ron Paul warns of current Georgia/Russia conflict in 2002!!!

Georgian Reporter Shot on Live TV

biminim says...

I imagine that if this were staged, her reaction would have been more extreme, and they probably would have her wounded somewhere more vital. I mean, if you're doing some propaganda, why have someone grazed in the lower forearm? Why not have her screaming and writhing on the ground. If you've seen the footage of the Fox reporters running from the Russians, you'll notice that they don't seem all that freaked out, either. So I don't think this is necessarily faked.

om nom nom nom [extreme fish-eating kitteny cuteness]

biminim says...

I can speak Kitten. Well, I can understand it better than I can speak it. What this little guy is saying is, "Get your frigging hands off of me and away from my fish or I WILL call down mighty damage upon your head. This is NOT funny, you're NOT cute, and what's with the camera?"

SUV Fails on Rock

biminim says...

Truly spectacular!! I wonder how much his insurance premium went up after that? I'm not sure, but wasn't the driver the same guy who took a bath in the Burger King sink? Same IQ range, anyway.

Man takes a bubble bath in Burger King sink!

biminim says...

Just makes you wonder about all the stuff that people have done in restaurants over the years that they haven't filmed. Also makes you wonder just how retarded these people are. I guess that the comment about a "beer and a 20" was about an oxycontin?

Bill Maher's Interview with a Low IQ Senator - Religulous

12650 (Member Profile)

biminim says...

"Did you happen to check which U.S. State this 'Senator' is from? No? Of course you didn't because you're as dumb as Bill Maher hopes you are and tries to keep you... Since you can't be bothered to take the time going through the photos of every sitting U.S. Senator you'll just have to take my word that the dude being interviewed is AN ACTOR and YOU are the dupe!"

Yeah, and . . .? So you're saying YOU have the time to go through the photos of all sitting U.S. Senators? Good for you. Must be nice not to have to work for a living.

Got a backup plan?!?!


Bill Maher's Interview with a Low IQ Senator - Religulous

biminim says...

That's right, dad gummit! Who needs Senators passing IQ tests? Ptui! Eggheads is what got us into this trouble in the first place! Eggheads like that damn Jimmy Carter with his wimpy, "Energy crisis is the moral equivalent of war" nonsense back in 1979! Who made him the nucular rocket surgeon?

John McCain: Dazed and Confused

biminim says...

Damn, that's embarrassing. I felt bad for the dude. That pathetic little wimper-laugh would really get annoying after four WEEKS. Four years of this guy? Seriously?? This little compilation should be run in its entirety as an ad by the DNC. That would seal the deal for many people.

Tennessee Church Shooting was about "Gays" and "Liberals"

biminim says...

More of the same ahead as the deconstruction of the economy picks up pace? The "Angry White Male" syndrome? I think it will probably become just "Angry Person" syndrome, as more folks face foreclosure, job loss, high gas prices, closed banks. Add a little Anger Power-ups provided by talk radio, Ann Coulter, etc., and burn, baby, burn. Or something like that.

Globama! - Countdown

biminim says...

I can imagine that many foreign leaders are intrigued by the prospect of, at least, a potential American leader who doesn't look like all of the past American leaders. After all, while all of America's policy successes have had a "white face," so have all of the failures and mistakes, and the failures and mistakes more often than not result in people getting killed and countries getting trashed. So I think there is a cautious optimism on the part of folks in the non-white regions of the world that, maybe, just maybe, things will be "kinder and gentler" with a different-looking kind of leader.

MASSIVE flock of birds

biminim says...

Usually flocks that behave this way, from my experience, are starlings. I love it! Such a beautiful, mysterious, perplexing, awesome sight. I sometimes pull my car over when I can to watch them. Around here, Virginia, they usually act like this in the fall and early winter. Stupendous. it's like watching free-form, natural punctuation sometimes. Thanks, man.

Early, Absolutely Ridiculous Schlitz Malt Liquor Ad.

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