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Goon - Red Band Trailer

Racecar Crash Escape

Goon - Red Band Trailer

Floppy music - Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Song

The happy secret to better work

atara says...

I've experienced this at my workplace. We have to submit goals for where we want to be in a year, in five years, in a decade. Saying that you are happy doing what you are doing right now isn't good enough, and you HAVE to come up with someplace else in the company where you'd rather be. It's a little demoralizing that you aren't just allowed to be happy.

Trees, Stars, Aurora!


atara says...

I can't tell if that's the same ship we sailed on in Alaska last year (they have four that look the same), but it's definitely a Celebrity Cruise ship. That is a big ship.

This is a fantastic clip with the music.

Hockey Rink Roof Collapses

Skyrim My Little Pony Dragon Mod

Skyrim My Little Pony Dragon Mod

Seattle Drivers in 2" of Snow -- one ringer in the bunch

atara says...

Winter tires are available, but I don't think any state requires you to have them.

The problem in Seattle is 1) the people aren't used to snow, 2) it's usually a later of ice covered in a later of wet snow, and 3) it's damn hilly. It doesn't snow often so there's no real incentive to buy winter tires.

I know in Quebec all vehicles (? might be all passenger cars) are required to have them on for the winter months. I live in Manitoba, and while they don't require you to have winter tires, most people get them because otherwise the all season rubber freezes and your tires go lumpy.

Pinkie Pie's space obsession

Sesame Street timeline (1969-2004)

Funnel Web Spider Attack

Man uses Bugzapper on self--over, and over, and...

atara says...

Either he's a wuss, he's playing it up a lot, or his zapper's a lot more powerful than ours. (It looks like the same model.) We have one, and while it does hurt, it just feels like a strong static shock.

I've voting for wuss.

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Beggar's Canyon