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jokes and metaphors in MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL

Neil deGrasse Tyson on Science Denial

Mine or Yours? | OrangeCabinet

Claw Machine Fail

THE DARK TOWER - Official Trailer

Jimmy Kimmel tells story of his newborn's health issues

Neural Networks for Character Control

artician says...

Really impressive, but despite the description I'm not sure how this differs from the current, modern approach, beyond using more processing power for the environment assessment and realtime decision-making, weighting and blending. It just seems like a more thorough and complete AI-supported locomotion system.

Russia is creating Terminators.

Streamers big mistake of playing video that came w/ donation

Honest Ads - Why Credit Cards Are A Scam

Emergency Worker Uses Unique Method to Save Suicidal Girl

The Science Guy Vs Twitter Twits

artician says...

Me too.

Does anyone know if the test animals that have been used in those experiments were studied over multiple generations, and how many generations were observed?

toferyu said:

Too bad for that last one on organic food... kind of lessened my trust in the previous answers.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 (Xbox 360) Angry Video Game Nerd

NYC's Best Sicilian Slice, Explained

Mountain Lions Sound -- Way Cuter Than You’d Expect

artician says...

It probably was. If they make any noise around humans at all, it's the warning growl that you'd expect. Unless you're intruding on their territory or threatening their young, they will slink off soundlessly if you come near.

skinnydaddy1 said:

and now all the hikes I've done have just become nightmares because I've heard that noise near me and thought it was a damn bird....

FU mother nature... FU

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