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Jim Carrey's 'Cold Dead Hand' Pisses Off Fox News Gun Nuts

arekin says...

Their are plenty of non-assault weapons that would not be subject to the ban, and those "dangerous criminals" are using them. They are handguns and shotguns, not automatic weapons.

lantern53 said:

I'm not cowering in any bunker. You guys who think 'it couldn't happen here' are really wishful-thinkers. There is a very thin line between civilization and chaos. Nevertheless, have you ever heard of a home invasion robbery? Happens every day....but not to you, right?

The First Honest Cable Company

arekin says...

You pay more because the cost to support your service (print and process bill, troubleshoot issues, maintaining infrastructure, etc) is paid for once so when the bundle services you don't really have to pay for it twice. People make a big deal out of bundling as if it is some sort of scam, but honestly it makes sense to lower rates for having multiple products. As for restructuring your package yearly, you have another option: order what you can afford without the promotion pricing. If its too expensive without the promotions then why are you adding more to your bill and then calling to get it back under control when its off promotion? If your argument is you want everything you can get for your money, then your like everyone else, you're completely normal, and that means you get to negotiate pricing to try to get another special deal instead of the normal price.

erlanter said:

Eff that noise. I neither watch TV or even have it hooked up to cable, but still have to pay for a cable (package) to get decent internet where I live or pay (inexplicably) more. This, and having to renegotiate my bill every year (for the latest contract deals) to pay a less-unreasonable price drives me up the wall.

Exxon Pipeline Breaks - Oil Flows Through Neighborhood

arekin says...

The cost per barrel right now isn't bad, looks like its time to start pumping in into a 50 gallon drum and sell it back to them. Then bill them again for the cost to clean up their mess.

Sad thing is that this means people who rely on that oil for gas are going to be paying for the clean up in increased gas pricing.

The First Honest Cable Company

arekin says...

I think we might work for the same one...

On a different note, when you see what the Broadcasters charge the Providers to carry one of their channels (*cough* espn *cough*) you begin to understand why the service is so damn expensive, and sadly the broadcasters often have the providers by the balls as far as packaging and pricing goes. Not like a provider can afford to drop a channel (*cough* espn *cough*) and watch subscribers flock to the ones that do carry the channel.

deathcow said:

I work for one too.. our service is 50 megabits and BADDD TO THE BONEEEE

Obama Gives Monsanto Get Out of Jail Free Card

arekin says...

ALSO, after a quick read on what the bill actually states...
First this bill was part of a bill to prevent government shutdown, it really needed to be signed. It does not grant Monsanto a get out of jail free card, it prevents them from injunctions by other seed producers filing injunctions to shut them down and sue them out of the market. This is directly related to a 2010 lawsuit between Monsanto and another seed manufacturer that resulted in extensive litigation and could have cost the company considerably in lost revenue if they could not offer their seed at the right time of year due to a injunction. With agriculture you could lock someone out of the market every year by simply filing suit at the correct time of year and then dropping it after the planting season is done.

Obama Gives Monsanto Get Out of Jail Free Card

arekin says...

Ok, lets look at it this way. In many cases a federal court can be a court of opinion. Numerous people say "oh this seed caused me a problem" and the federal court says "ok banned". Generally we would see this as a good thing, because people see a response to their claims. Enter the "chinese food syndrome". People are being told by health food nuts that GMO can cause symptoms, and psychosomatic symptoms develop. Now without any actual research, we have people that are claiming symptoms and a federal court stepping in to stop sale. This is exactly why we have a federal agency to review research and conduct their own research to ensure food safety, its called the FDA, they are fairly competent. They ban stuff all the time, many things with only minor health concerns (less than alcohol and cigarettes in any case). The same is said for the EPA protecting the environment (they would seem to do a worse job than the FDA). These agencies can review concerns with GMO's without the "court of public opinion" deciding on GMO's.

Lawdeedaw said:

The federal courts don't sell seeds and they cannot be sued

Anyways, the problem with the courts is that they deal with issues that are not catching up with the times. Gay marriage? Too new a civil rights issue. Corporations are people? Yeah, but that's okay because it doesn't take away our democracy, does it? Damn goggle won't tell me!

If we want to truly look at government the way you do (That it can in no way go outside of it's scope for any reason) then you are effectively saying much with this myopic view--in my opinion. For example, in a free market capitalism, it is not the governments job to throw up one roadblock to any form of success. Monopolies are currently discouraged even though it is not the job of the government at all to do so. It's counter to capitalism. Free enterprise should be ruthless and profit driven. It's only checks and balances should be the consumers. One monopoly should have already risen to take over all America's communications, industrial and consumer services. Another monopoly for natural resources; food and gas, etc.

This is the true result of competition. One chess player wins the tournament and takes home the prize, the others lose.

Then when these two companies want to discourage protests and such, they should be able to block out entire neighborhood's food supplies and starve them to death. (This has happened in other countries since the beginning of time--though mostly government owned there is no reason a corporation cannot do this.) After all, it's not their job to provide people food--they are just a business and if they want to pull their business, meh. After all, the people dying are competing with the corporation.

You may find this analogy off track, or even silly, but I am trying to point out something serious. Government either changes with times or we destroy ourselves.

Ps, wrote rather quickly because I gtg. Wife and kids stuff.

Obama Gives Monsanto Get Out of Jail Free Card

arekin says...

Sigh, its not a federal courts job to stop health issues in food, its the FDA. The EPA is responsible for any environmental problems they cause. This really does nothing.

Edit: also federal courts can't halt sale, they can be sued for damages if they make a seed that hurts you.

Skinniest Skinny Jeans Ever

World limbo record reaches new lows

CNN Sympathizes with High School Rapists

arekin says...

Given your comments in general, you think (and I use that term loosely) most professions are shit and that there are no worthwhile people left in the world, other than yourself. I wont change your mind because its buried too far up your ass, so instead I'll be equally dismissive of your opinion and as condescending of your comments as you are to others.

chingalera said:

Real clever.
Shrug, no, but you can apparently be just as predictable an asshole as someone who does, eh?

Uhhh, I think all news is complete shit and consider journalism as a profession akin to that of a banker or lawyer, so...Sorry to dash your fantasy about just who the fuck I am. Yo, Libby??.... Republicans are democrats and democrats republicans in this kid's paradigm-I don't play that game with people, it's fucking offensive.

Police Road Rage

arekin says...

Think i heard It said that it was a North Carolina cop off duty in South Carolina (said at about 1:00, comments that hes a jackass). He wouldn't have any jurisdiction to pull anyone over. Hes just some guy in the "company car".

song77 said:

Why doesn't he just pull him over if he so pissed off surely he could abuse his power more that way. Is this one of those cases where he has no jurisdiction on that road?.
Maybe this is the only way he can get the motorist to follow the speed limit the other car seems to be doing the same speed as the Police car, and its only when the guy in the big truck overtakes and accelerates past him that you see him pull over and brake. Stupid behavior i know but after you have pulled a few people from wrecks im sure trying to keep speeders of our roads would be one of your concerns too.

CNN Sympathizes with High School Rapists

arekin says...

Thank you, everyone sees any angle that portays consequences on the criminals as sympathy. This is not often the case, and when you dont want to hound the victim out of respect, what story can you tell? I think several news outlets did a tasteful job of portraying what a night of drunken malicious stupidity did to these kids who in all reality did have a future as something other than a criminal.

bmacs27 said:

Finally, a little perspective. I feel like CNN was really just trying to emphasize that this isn't some bullshit punishment. These kids got their asses handed to them. They're fucked. I think this was in direct response to the understandable concerns that they wouldn't be.

This brings up a bigger question, which is "why don't more of these cases end this way?" My argument would be because the legal consequences of sexually related crimes is too severe. It often has the effect of making the judge or jury uncomfortable levying that punishment in light of the specific facts of the case, and thus acquit the rapists to avoid destroying their life completely. It even probably dissuades many victims from levying accusations in the first place. If there were more graded punishments as their are in many other developed nations, we might find charges and convictions more common.

The registered sex offender thing is just one example. I remember that one case of a girl getting charged with distributing child pornography for sexting her boyfriend. Now she has to tell her neighbors she's a sex offender. It's all about politics, not justice.

CNN Sympathizes with High School Rapists

arekin says...

Shrug, we cant all watch fox news...

chingalera said:

No arekin, what you are watching is a standard hack journalism piece form an news org notorious for such tripe-"Poppy Harlow" here (pretentious and douchey female-reporter name), is attempting to infuse the story with some heart-wrenching emotionalism and grave tone..
It's a rape honey, cut to the sentencing segment as you spin the tale of these poor athletes with their lives ahead of them who double-teamed someone without her consent. Get a shot of the big, blubbering one there as his counsel consoles him!

Where's more Waldo in this unprofessional ballad of useless information about these douchebag rapists? They came from a troubled family...blah blah blah.."father a former alcoholic??"- Uhh, what the fuck does that even mean?!

Yet another time-filler offered-up from CNN, their standard fare, an over-dramatized example of developmental-disability in our distracted society. This is not journalism, is fucking Maury Povich and people throwing chairs at they baby-daddys.

Poppy, thank you for edifying us with that useless wind-session. Please get a job that assists in the evolution of the human on a crabbing boat in Nova Scotia!

Transgender at 11 yrs. Old

arekin says...

While I do agree that mental health is as often as not an issue, I do think that this is not for me or you to decide. We are not Jazz or her parents. We should not think we know better.

CaptainPlanet said:

i'm glad to see the appropriate level of skepticism here from many of my fellow siftHeads. Lets not be blinded by liberal 'forward-thinking'. Mental health is serious, and any rational person would agree that the jury is OUT when it comes to performing elective genital reassignment surgery on children.

CNN Sympathizes with High School Rapists

arekin says...

Where is the sympathizing, all I'm seeing is reporting? It's not like anyone is saying that this judgement is undeserved, they are reporting on the consequences of these men ruining their victims life and in turn ruining their own. I feel like people suddenly expect CNN to be their with pitchforks and a noose.

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