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Candidate Obama vs President Obama on Government Surveillanc

arekin says...

Nice thoughts there, but seeing as the President cant just pass laws to do any of that, you would be a person on the throne shouting orders that no one is listening to. Meanwhile congress is passing the laws they want to pass and laughing at you.

chingalera said:

Yo Dystop:
My first state of the union address would include costumes, for starters, worn henceforth and according to level of corruption of current members of congress and senate: Data would be of course mined from our resources (those stalwart ass-grabbers of the distinguished intelligence community we have to thank for the dirt we would dredge and release), IMMEDIATELY,!....every phone call, every email every bit of naked boat-parties and teen-aged Thai prettyboys there for all to see…THEN decriminalize all drugs and release all offenders to their respective ends and relatives so charged in the past 100 years, immediately.
I’d make it mandatory that everyone be able to read and write, and provide the necessary means-
Two chickens in every pot
I’d tell everyone the real reason we’re in Afghanistan and will stay the fuck there is for their Lithium, because the world needs batteries to go with the new technology and to go fuck themselves if they don’t like us protecting their poppy fields from angry 4rth century thugs screaming , “AKBAR!”( i.e., I would disclose the actual motivations behind the current clusterfuck..) Oh, I’d have a monthly picnic on the white house lawn holiday, offer federal monies to female athletics, and outlaw fast food chains, billboard advertising, and landlords (I’d work to return ownership of land acquired through unsavory deals by oil-rich cocksuckers, anyone assoc. with any bank scandal in the last 50 years, etc. to the open market for restricted development based on projected models for our world in 50 years)

Just getting started, I’d fuck shit up is the answer to your question, jump-start the place based on the original doc and maybe get another 100 years out of it..

Candidate Obama vs President Obama on Government Surveillanc

arekin says...


dystopianfuturetoday said:

When these suddenly controversial wiretap/monitoring measures were put into place a decade ago, the controversy was based around the fact that they didn't requie a warrant. The Obama admin has added oversight to the process by requiring a warrant.

I hate to go against my fellow lefties on this one, but this is a bogus scandal.

How to share games on the PS4

The Lonely Island - Spell it Out

arekin says...

dude that has sex with pigs for money but only as a side thing right now, I'm just short on cash and have irons in the fire but in this economy it'll have to do my name is lenny

8 Months pregnant woman tasered by police

arekin says...

I am really torn here, I agree that the cops are not able to test for pregnancy on the scene and ave to assume that a combative and struggling person may be lying to get a chance to escape. But I've been the husband during a pregnancy so I know that it is difficult to lay down on your stomach with a baby on board. I think the right answer would have been to cooperate calmly and ask if I could lay on my side with my hands behind my back as I am pregnant. Calmly explaining during a high stress situation would likely get through this without the risk of endangering anyone. And if it did escalate I'm very glad that they opted for taser over pepper spray. Pepper spray would likely do much more damage to the mother and the unborn child.

Red Hot Nickel Ball in Sugar

Is California Becoming A Police State?

arekin says...

Hmm, so by your own volition, you got in trouble with cops for not paying parking tickets, and possession of a substance that you know is illegal (Not arguing whether or not pot should be legal mind you). And then when you got caught, you complain about police abusing authority? Cops generally just do their damn job, have some abused authority? Sure, but that is because there are some bad people in the world. I've seen a Walmart night manager abuse his authority, not because he had an abundance of power, because he was a damn jerk. What you are displaying is an issue with authority. Your own authority issues make you believe that those with authority are out to get you. I'd quote dalumberjack above, and let you know again how the cops are just trying to make it through another day, but you'll insist that your antecdotal evidence makes you right. So our cycle will continue. But I have one thing on my side, we all live with cops everyday, millions of encounters every day in the US, and we see a handful of videos every month of police encounters, some rather questionable about their "abuse". If their is an epidemic of dirty cops in the world, where are all the videos supporting it? Their should be a 1000 fold increase in these videos every month if only a handful of people actually posted their bad police encounter.

chingalera said:

Oh and arekin??? I got many a story where a cop, "abused authority for personal gain." -Very few of my cop encounters were the result of one's actions to the contrary. They can't help it, it goes with the territory they have created for themselves.

16-year-old skateboarder lands a 1080 at X Games

16-year-old skateboarder lands a 1080 at X Games

More douchbaggery or more police abuses?

arekin says...

"This procedure is not intended in any manner to limit the authority of the police to establish police lines, e.g., crowd control at scenes of fires, demonstrations, etc."

I imagine this is what they will get her on. She was refusing to cooperate when asked to move to a specific area. They didn't seem to care that she was filming, but following them around does present problems.

Indian Chuck Norris

Is California Becoming A Police State?

arekin says...

And you don't think that this creates more harm than good. If you live with an adversarial relationship with your local police then you have to expect them to treat you in the same fashion. This "authority corrupts" attitude will only lead to it doing so. In my work I deal with people daily. The people who start giving me shit right away are going to get no favors from me. They are going to get the bare minimum of me doing my job and are probably going to be less happy with the experience. The people who are polite and nice get every effort I have to help them. And I don't know what hell hole of a town you live in, but most cops are just trying to get to the end of the day, just like everyone else. I would love to see a case by case scenario where you can provide evidence of a personal experience where a cop abused authority for personal gain. I'd wager that your experience of corrupt cops lies more in the realm of "he turned on his lights to run a red light" and nothing of actual abuses (no running red lights with your lights on is not an abuse of authority).

chingalera said:

I have serious issues with authority of any kind, especially uniformed thugs employed by cities or counties. The state of law enforcement in America is absurd-I do not believe you can remain a cop with noble ethics or morality; YOU WILL compromise any noble intentions you had to"protect and serve" eventually.
I never give police factual information when I do not absolutely have to. I will of necessity or impulse, reaction or response, engage injustice when I see it, regardless of personal safety or violation of statutes.

I don't know you, don't strike a woman in my presence: I don't care if she hit you first and don't need any "whys", I won't stop pummeling you until you are unconscious.

I have met about 5 fair cops in the hundreds I have ever had to engage.

Sorry porky, you chose a douchbag profession. Sorry Velocity5, I suppose I simply don't have my "life" together enough to appreciate Mr. Badgy. I do however get wood when I consider the noble fireman or EMT. Used to hang out at the firehouse with my son once a week in Durango. You can't "hang out" at a police station....If you did, some dickhead would start asking questions and probably arrest you for loitering. Fuck the PO-Leece.

Is California Becoming A Police State?

arekin says...

I would rather the police forced entry than let someone remain in a state of harm. I'm sorry, but I've had police come to my home on a 911 call and they were forced to ensure that no one was in danger. In my case my phone had a 911 button on it that got hit when I was cleaning my room, but they don't know that. The guys were polite, walked the house to make sure that everyone was safe, thanked me for my cooperation and left. These are cases that are only as hard as you want to make them. This situation is as stupid as people who are sober refusing to cooperate at sobriety checkpoints.

Mordhaus said:

Since it is a domestic violence call, the judge would have to look at precedent cases. There are countless state level cases that uphold a warrant-less entry in the case of possible violence to someone in the home, visible or not. Brigham City v. Stuart is one that went to SCOTUS and further cemented the situation.

Based on the that sadly broad ruling, if a 911 call is made claiming even possible domestic violence, police can force entry into a residence to see if everyone is ok. I don't like it or agree with it, but they will walk on any charges from the entry.

I do think they could call the immediate use of a taser into question, however.

Is California Becoming A Police State?

arekin says...

If that is the context then the person on whom the cops were called could simply let the cops in, verify that no one is in danger, and then request the cops investigate the asshole who is calling the cops on false pretenses. It is after all a criminal offense to make a false call. However, when you refuse entry in what could be an emergency because you want to stand on principle, you are asking the cops to act in a fashion of utmost precaution and kick your door down to make sure that there is not a women locked in your basement that you and your wife are keeping hostage. The cops had probable cause and no judge in the country would argue that seeing this video. The officers where very clear as to why they were demanding entry.

chingalera said:

Neighbor (or anonymous bystander/prankster, your chlid's ornery friend) calls 911 and claims to hear from YOUR home, all matter of torment, gunshots, pit bulls, kids, etc. and all these or a combination could be a complete fabrication..... Based on an anon call, can the same cops bust your fucking door down if you don't allow them in warrant-less? If so, fuck you, police state.

welcome to your indoctrination-have a seat

arekin says...

No one is saying that people don't try to influence opinion in education, but this is an accusation on education as a whole. The education system is not designed for compliance to train worker bees, its designed to create a system of managing large classrooms with minimal staff. Its still wrong doing that and I'm certain that it is having a detrimental effect. But classrooms are still lead by the teacher and each teacher would have to repress thinking outside the box individually. I don't know about you, but my teachers did the opposite. If it is a conspiracy, its very poorly managed.

Quadrophonic said:

On the contrary, have you heard of the environmental literacy improvement act? It's basically legislation that forces schools to teach that there is a controversy about climate change among scientists. Public opinion is in favor of policies that aim to stop climate change, while the government of the USA has shown no interest in such legislation. It's no secret that alec (american legislative exchange council) is trying to push the environmental literacy improvement act into your schools, so that future generations show more ignorance and support the current direction of United States climate policy.

And I'm not talking about conspiracies here, I talk about facts. This is what is currently happening in your schools. And I haven't even started on the whole creationism crap.

So in conclusion, do we need to teach people to think for themselves? Yes. Are groups like alec, that are corporate funded, trying their best not to make that happen? Definitely.

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