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James Brown - I Got Ants In My Pants (Dance Clip)

James Brown - I Got Ants In My Pants (Dance Clip)

Slow Dibblers At Play

Why Iron Man is objectively better than Batman

Astronaut fart science

ant says...

*comedy too with the rumor at the end. I don't see how that would even do much. I am farty, with IBS, so I guess I will never be an astronaut.

SNL - U2: American Soul (Live)

SS Reform Bill Encourages Americans To Live Fast, Die Young

5SF: 'Til the Day

Top 10: Games that Need to be Made (or need a sequel)

Lisa needs Braces! (Dental Plan!)

Painful Soccer Player Double Fail

Nintendo Switch 2 Announcement


Your Brain Deletes Your Childhood Memories

ant says...

What were they?

I think the earliest memory was when I was "Home Alone" and my queen was outside.

newtboy said:

I still have multiple distinct vivid memories from when I was between 18 months and 2 years old…memories I verified were real and accurate decades later with the people involved. I have some vague memories of even earlier, around 1.
Obviously if this is a “rule”, it’s flexible.

Golden Retrievers vs Sunk Ball - Ozzy Man Quickies

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