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andybesy says...

To quote the dude wearing the baklava and glasses...

"I'm here because I heard 50,000 other people were gonna be here, and I figured even if they're out here protesting in a way that I don't like advocating reform or abolition of some particular institution, at least they're 50,000 people that really care and are worked up about something."

"The problem with the WTO is the same problem that all the institutions that fill our lives are guilty of, that people other than ourselves are in control of our lives. They just keep getting further and further away from us and more and more powerful. I don't care whether they're making decisions that I like or which I hate, the fact that their making those decisions is unhealthy and unnatural."

It's a great documentary. I don't agree with everything said, but the remarkable thing is that the folks who made it are the same folks who were there on the ground organising this thing, yet they include opposing points of view from the many different factions of the anarchist group, and even those opposing the group as a whole.

Like bcglorf said... What do want? Independent media! When do we want it? Now!

The Battle of Seattle (1999)

Husky sings along to Gwen Stephani's Sweet Escape

The website is down

ANOTHER CAT VIDEO For Your Viewing Pleasure!!!

Car Runs on H20

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