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The GyroBike keeps bikes stable at low speeds

andybesy says...

I use the same thing when riding my trail bike.

Got to stop at some lights, but only briefly and don't want to put your feet down?

Clutch in and set the revs at a high tick-over, perhaps 2,000RPM. Then release the clutch just a little until it just starts to catch and hold it there.

The big-end spins and helps keep you stable. Also helps if you stop on your front brakes then press and hold the back brake keeping the shocks compressed.

Remember Jessica Lynch?

A2 Hypersonic Jet Plane

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Photo-Realistic Virtual World Rendered LIVE server-side

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Breakthrough in storing Solar Energy

andybesy says...

Yeah, great post.

The science on the sift is great, I'm new and it's what attracted me here, plus the cat videos .

You may find this interesting:

It's the same set-up...

Electrolysis powered by the excess energy from photo-voltaic cells, where hydrogen and oxygen are stored as a gas and then used in hydrogen fuel cell to create electric current as required.

To me the revelation here isn't so much the solar power; the increase in efficiency of photo-voltaic cells is exciting, but not new conceptually.

Storing the fuel locally as gas, then using a hydrogen fuel cell to generate the electric current is however very nice as domestic scale systems go.

Big though, isn't it?

I'm still trying to understand precisely how the energy in the system works from a physics point of view; if they're using an electrolyte, and why noble metal components are used. Any help?

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