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Aussie Prime Minister rips Opposition Leader on sexism

Killer Mike REAGAN

TED - Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

Florida's GOP election fraud scandal

Do You Get Wetter Walking Or Running In The Rain?

Victoria Jackson Argues With A Gay Rights Activist

alcom says...

This was actually not Victoria's worst argument. She actually presented somewhat coherent points in a reasoned fashion. I was actually more bothered back during Occupy when she just wouldn't shut up about how much she hated the "Communist foreigner," Barak Obama.

Why Evolution Is True - Explained in 20 minutes

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

alcom says...

I think the news media business has evolved with the times. Not every mundane piece of event coverage is politically slanted, although it's pretty obvious when it is. And clearly by what's details are discussed or not, you can provide slant without flat out lying. Take CNN coverage of the AARP conference in New Orleans:

The fact is Paul Ryan was booed during his speech. He addressed the boos with this:

"Inaction today will mean sharp cuts tomorrow. Time and again this President has ducked the tough issues, he has put his own job security over your retirement security," continued Ryan, despite a smattering of boos coming from the audience. "Of course, he said he would be willing to work with Republicans but he has not moved an inch closer to common ground."

In addition to repealing The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, often referred to as Obamacare, Ryan said the Republican team is proposing a plan that "empowers future seniors to choose the coverage that works best for them from a list of plans that are required to offer at least the same level of benefits as traditional Medicare."

I call this responsible reporting. The controversy is brought up without any rebuttal or qualifying statements that would influence the reader one way or the other. What did Fox do with this story? They provided a transcript of Ryan's speech but otherwise ignored the story. Go look for yourself.

Registering voters at Safeway -- IF you support Romney

Insane 18 wheeler driver scares the crap out of Motorists

alcom says...

I totally agree. The trucker didn't deserve the honk at the end, which shows how unaware the driver with the dash cam was. Both car drivers in this vid were driving to hurried and close, the jerk in the minivan being the most dangerous.

>> ^Nexxus:

I'll be honest, I don't see anything wrong with his driving. He followed his lane markings while the camera car's lane just ended. Then he overtook the slower truck and while trying to get back in the slow lane, the jerk in the SUV made things very difficult for him and he had to jam on the brakes. If anything, the SUV is at fault here for dangerous driving.

Leaked Video of Romney at Fundraiser -- You're all moochers!

alcom says...

I don't consider people living on < $20,000/y "entitled" or "moochers." I think Mitt needs to look in the mirror and see how his privileged life is simply unattainable by people in these circumstances. They're just getting by. By taxing the most vulnerable segment of society, he is inviting increased crime and fraud in the future.

If he was serious about paying his "fair share" he'd disclose all those years of tax returns. And his Swiss and Cayman Island bank accounts while he's at it. He's probably avoided much more total tax revenue personally than the Reps stand to get out of that 47%.

House Of Pain - Shamrocks And Shenanigans

Rhino Farts on Kickin' It With Kenny, Fox 8 Cleveland News

A Tribute to Everyone Who is Getting Too Old for Video Games

Wacky Dude LOVES Balloons

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