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O'Reilly asks about Colin Powell's Racism

alcom says...

All O'Reilly has to do is mention it and his devout followers will take his message to heart. Even if he's forced to retract it later, the message is still delivered. He's very clever about his wording.

noam chomsky-how climate change became a liberal hoax

alcom says...

Superstorm Sandy is another example of society's march past the greenhouse tipping-point like the lemmings that we are. I laid it our in arguments in this video, where I was vehemently opposed by doubt-fuelled, fear monger, climate change deniers:

We're so close to that "I told you so" moment. By that time unfortunately, the methane feedback loop will probably be well under way.

Michael Moore's Question For President Obama -- TYT

alcom says...

The final months before the election is not the time to take a strong stance on any issue as polarizing as gun control (or abortion, immigration or taxes for that matter.) Both sides know this as evidenced by the dramatic shift to the center by both parties in the 3rd debate. Moore is a bit of an attention whore for bringing it up.

"Actual" real footage of Obama's birth in Kenya

White Swan

Moose Tussle

Early Onset Romnesia

Agro Adults Only

Bullied Canadian Teen Leaves Behind A Chilling Video

alcom says...

Well said, Yogi. I think the awareness of bullying and online safety is what we should take away from this story. I'm glad the vid made it to the Sift if only to promote awareness.

>> ^Yogi:

This is a very sticky subject especially if you don't understand all the nuance. I mean it's about freedom or speech which Americans cherish rightly but it's also about not acting like a complete dick, which it seems most Americans still cherish. Now tormenting or abuse I think is much different than me coming on here and telling @Sagemind to go kill himself because he smells.
I'm not sure if I agree with Anon releasing this persons info either. Maybe it makes you feel good in the revenge center but is that really how we want justice to work?
Personally I also have an issue with someone who committed suicide. I'm still exploring it because I don't think it's right for me to tell someone how they should react to things, especially when given differences in upbringing or simple brain chemistry. I guess I'll just say that I think suicide is quitting, I don't like it and I don't really respect people that do it without good reason, and I don't think words is a good enough reason. This is my experience from my life of horror and feeling like utter shit a lot of the time. I never thought that ending it would be an answer and I don't necessarily understand those that do. Sorry I didn't want to cede the intellectual ground but I felt I had to be honest and maybe that'll start a conversation about how other people feel about people who commit suicide.

Culture in Decline | Episode #2 "Economics 101"

Detroit Homeowner, Squatter Forced to Live Under Same Roof

alcom says...

I think her Victoria Jackson helium voice is prolonging this painful period. I don't think this would have gone on so long if she had a Venus Williams presence. I mean, she has a child and she's NOT SURE IF SHE FEELS SAFE? Come on lady, grow a pair! Oh, wait...

Guy on a Buffalo attacked by Cougar while Buffalo kicks wolf

New Rules-Focus on Family 2008 predictions? How accurate?

alcom says...

The Focus on Family predictions would be great debate fodder. Their 0 for 34 performance is a perfect example of fear-monger conservative campaign tactics. The point is that they didn't have to be correct, or even intelligent (not to name any names...) Facts are not important to the far-right. They just have to get the "rubes" to vote out of fear and hatred and they end up working for the man.

Complete Vice Presidential Debate 2012: Biden vs. Ryan

alcom says...

Now that's how you call bullshit when Rep's try and play the blame game and just make ridiculous false statements. When challenged on lies, Ryan was either mute or evasive. Good on you, Joe.

Steroid-Induced Epic Death Metal Cover

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