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Chip Strut

newtboy (Member Profile)

Zawash says...

Thanks for the promote!

newtboy said:

*promote a *quality return

Hey third parties…get yourself an intelligent Conan and we will vote for him.

Jon Stewart Tackles The Biden-Trump Rematch - He's Back!!

Deadpool And Wolverine - Trailer

Gåte - Ulveham (Live ESC national finals)

This Man is a Genius

Can you bring me my coffee, Jamiroquai ...? (Robot Chicken)

A gun safe should not have a giant hole in it.

How Stupid Are You

Restaurant worker refuses to rent someone a yacht ;)

Toxicity (System of a Down) Halloween Light and Fire Show

Tesla Turbine

Tesla Turbine

FPV drone following mountain bike downhill run.

What Happened to THX?

Zawash says...

I didn't "get" the THX intro until I heard it in my own home cinema setup, with a really nice Dynaudio speakers, calibrated for good sound. Then I experienced a chord that grew deeper, fuller, and more powerful, swelling and swelling to an awesome climax.

When I heard it in theatres, it was always way too loud, with an ear-piercing treble that was just annoying and made you cover your ears. It was always annoying - never awesome.
In by own setup I could finally hear the majesty of it, without that piercing treble making me wince, and could instead feel being swept away by the deep notes.

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