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WKB says...

USA politics about now...

Case #1) Lie about WMD and kill tens/hundreds/tens-of-hundreds of thousands of innocents as a result? Proven to be a lie? Nah... fuck the proof, was an innocent mistake.
Case #2) Take a picture of your underwear? (or any of the other 'sex' scandals that is the only thing that get politicians in any real trouble these days.) BURN THE WITCH!!!#(I! FUCKING DIE!!#@L!

Totally rational responses in both cases I'm sure.

Not saying it was a great idea to make a junk shot. Even worse to lie about it. That is the only thing that REALLY damages my opinion of the man. But as if this was even close to the top 10000th lie in the last decade.... yeah.

Glacier Surfing

Craig Ferguson makes science writing fun, interesting & sexy

Kathleen Hanna Tells Story Behind 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'

So Lann and I got married.. (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

Grand Rapids Epic 5,000 Person Lip Dub (World Record)

WKB says...

Amazing! What an awesome video. I live in Michigan but haven't spent that much time in Grand Rapids. I think, after seeing this, that it is my loss.

The bloodiest, most violent, kids gun fight you'll ever see!

It's gonna get LOUDER (Dubstep)

Suddenly, this video got 100% more awesome.

The What?

Amazing VLT (Very Large Telescope) Timelapse

WKB says...

This is something Theists and Atheists can agree on. Not, of course, on the cause or it. But in the awesomeness of it's existence. Long live the Universe... wherever it came from. Dark Energy be damned, may it exist for a trillion years. And best wishes to it's neighbors.

Amazing VLT (Very Large Telescope) Timelapse

Canoe freestyling

WKB says...

As absurd as this is and comes off as... I have to admit I have paddled enough canoes to be more than a little impressed at the skill this silliness requires. Not my thing, but, more power to 'em if they enjoy it and are appreciated for it.

Circumcision - Another Form of Child Abuse

WKB says...

Fuck off anyone who defends this shit. It was done to me. I can't say I have suffered any adverse affects from it... who knows? I don't know any better I guess. Still... Nature has this shit covered. Leave it alone! "Oh, it gets dirty." Ok, so cut off your fucking ears and asshole. They get dirty pretty easy also. Or would you rather just spend 10 seconds to clean it? Yeah... thought so. Same thing. Obvious religious bull shit that has seeped into even secular thought as OK. WHY? Fucking WHY? Insanity. Stupidity. "Tradition." Yeah. Go congratulate the Sudanese who just cut their daughter's clits off on a job well done. Same fucking thing.


Win Compilation April May 2011

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