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Diablo3: Defeat Shatterbone Tutorial Goes Horribly Wrong

Man Changes Bike Tire in Less Than a Minute

VidRoth says...

Man, between age 8 and age 14 or so, I could take my bike apart down to the bolts, and put it back together ready to ride in about 30 mins... and I could change a flat without even thinking about it--my main concern was guilting my parents out of inner-tube money.

But... 45 seconds? Holy carp. That's a seriously fast ride-time change. Props.

Girls and Skateboards

The Inequality Speech About The Rich, TED Won't Show You?

VidRoth says...

See, now I think it's interesting from another angle. What sense of crazy entitlement must you have, that your TED talk doesn't get chosen, and the conclusion you draw is "TED has become corrupt and was paid off by my enemies"?

If that's something he thought TED was capable of, why did he want to be featured?

I think the obvious, logical conclusion is that his talk didn't measure up. For him to draw another conclusion says more about him, than about TED.

Backing Out of Garage Fail

Half Time Dunk Fail

VidRoth says...

Not a whole lot of physics necessary. The angle doesn't matter, because most healthy people are only a few inches short of a dunk attempt anyway, so about a foot of lift is probably enough.

I think the biggest thing is to look at his... "jump." At a glance, it looks like his whole jump consists of lifting his feet off the ground at the same time, not of actually getting any elevation for his torso, lol. That makes his trampoline jump not a lot better than standing on the trampoline and jumping.

Human bobsled vs. motorcycle: Rollerman races motorcycle...

Goofiest death in film history.

Break Dancing Champions

VidRoth says...

>> ^taranimator:

I never get tired of watching these.
Hey, how come they're always such a sausage-fest?
Why no chix?

Friggin' tragic, I know. Simple muscle-to-mass physics; these guys are at the cutting edge of what strength and speed can do to the human skeleton. If guys had boobs and hips, they couldn't do these moves either.

These guys are probably 4% body fat. A crazy psycho athletic woman or toothpick-like ballet dancer is probably 16% body fat, and experiencing health problems; most really fit women are around 20%. It's not their fault.

How to Pronounce Dom Pérignon

VidRoth says...

Why did this make it onto a list of stuff I would click on? ?? How much crap do I have to do before I can downvote something like this?

Oh My Goat! Such Cuteness: Baby Goats in Sweaters, Jumping

Girl in a bikini, with a hula hoop, in the freezing snow

Best Pumpkin Dance Ever

Gecko Saves His Friend From Snake

Wow, Cyriak has gotten really good!

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