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Georgia Sheriffs Draw Blood for ALL DUIs Without Consent

Bill Burr Teaches Elijah Wood How To Kill

Velocity5 says...

If you live in a country that has ghetto people, you should get a gun unless you don't care about risk management and black swans (outlier events which have unacceptable outcomes when they do occur).

As far as home invasions go, this "brutal" one was extremely tame:

iaui said:

I almost want to invoke *regio n... This is totally nuts. Seriously, is this what people in America worry about? Is this... possible? I guess these are plausible scenarios but in Canada... this stuff just does not happen...

Why So Many Russian Cars Have Dashcams.

Home Invasion in Millburn NJ caught on nanny cam - brutal...

Velocity5 says...

She's lucky she was only assaulted, not cut up or murdered. Read the things that ghetto people do when they cut up their victims.

Women's tendency is to "want the world to be good," so they won't learn how to kill in self-defense unless you teach them.

(Or move somewhere where there aren't ghetto people.)

Bill Burr - Equality for Women

Velocity5 says...

Men average more pay for "the same job" because they average higher productivity.

Look at the data for jobs where productivity is easy to quantify, like sales positions, and pay tracks productivity, regardless of gender.

That's basically Marissa Mayer's position.

Anybody who says "women get paid less for the same work" is claiming that correlation equals causation.

Science, it works.

Nestlé Responds to Abby

Velocity5 says...

Her self-righteous hatred to manipulate her viewers' emotions is off the charts.

The Russian governmental propaganda arm that runs Russia Today must have her coached by experts.

Nobody's that terrible naturally.

Low Security Jail In Norway

Velocity5 says...

The US and Canada are very different. In contrast, every European country has a problem among their Muslim immigrant population with high-crime and low academic scores.

Witness, for example, the famously high rate of Muslim car-burnings across France, same as the recent violence in Sweden.

The best way to create a liberal utopia is to prevent liberals from importing millions of high-crime, low-academic-score foreigners who will be a problem for hundreds of years to come. Witness, for example, the US' intractable problems with its own sub-populations, who don't improve academically in later generations.

In contrast, importing impoverished East Asians increases the nation's average IQ, and lowers the average crime rate. That just goes to show that immigration decisions should be data-based, instead of trying to hide the downsides of our past decisions.

Thanks for the conversation

oritteropo said:

This video was talking about Norway, and the Norwegian system, and although there are some similarities with Sweden it would be a bit like me suggesting that Canada is unsafe because of crime in the U.S.A.

One thing that does stand out when looking at both countries is that they are very small. Norway has approximately the population of Melbourne (or Los Angeles) and Sweden is approximately New York City (or Melbourne and Sydney combined)... and of course there is more crime in the larger cities like Oslo than in smaller towns.

Thanks for your comment since, despite not entirely agreeing with your original statement because I think the topic is a little more complicated than that, I have learned something (about both Norway and Sweden)

Low Security Jail In Norway

Velocity5 says...

"[Norway's] stats of 20% recidivism after 2 years compares fairly favourably with the United States statistics of 80% after 3, wouldn't you agree?"

You are controlling for ethnicity, right? Or not?

Scandinavians in the US do just as well as they do in Scandinavia, in the same way that East Asians in the US have just as low crime rates as they have in East Asia.

(Actually, Scandinavians do even better in the US than in Scandinavia, but not by a huge amount.)

So no, Scandinavians' crime rates in Scandinavia don't compare favorably with Scandinavians' crime rates in the US. They do great in both systems.

Low Security Jail In Norway

Velocity5 says...


The reason you didn't know these things is because your thought-leaders intentionally hide information from you

Immigrants were five times more likely to commit sex crimes.[3] A report by the Sweden Democrats published September 2010 and compiled from 114 of 253 court rulings from around the country, stated that 48% of convicted rapists in Sweden in 2009 were born abroad.

May 29, 2013:
Sixth night of violence in Sweden
"In Linköping, central southern Sweden, police responded to 120 incidents as cars, caravans and two schools were set alight. At one point a blazing truck was rolled into a building, which caught fire."

The police are useless:
But while the Stockholm riots keep spreading and intensifying, Swedish police have adopted a tactic of non-interference. ”Our ambition is really to do as little as possible,” Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving explained to the Swedish newspaper Expressen on Tuesday.

”We go to the crime scenes, but when we get there we stand and wait,” elaborated Lars Byström, the media relations officer of the Stockholm Police Department. ”If we see a burning car, we let it burn if there is no risk of the fire spreading to other cars or buildings nearby. By doing so we minimize the risk of having rocks thrown at us.”

Low Security Jail In Norway

Velocity5 says...

Whatever stats they have for Norwegians reforming after a stint in prison are temporary.

Scandinavia's gang-rape and street crime rates have already skyrocketed.

It's only a matter of time before they realize the people they've been importing who have low academic scores and high crime rates have a different ideology and much worse prison reform stats.

How to uninstall McAfee Antivirus

Velocity5 says...

Really... he paid, what, $50,000 to make a viral video promoting... his own fame?

He just got lucky in business back when the internet was first starting, and now instead of building new things that make the world better, he's flushing his lucky money down the toilet on prostitutes and vanity videos.

A fat cat who wastes money on infantile hedonism is the worst type of fat cat.

13 Year old girl fights male teacher

Velocity5 says...

This was in Oakland, California. Everything Oakland does is like this.

Zero accountability surely plays a role. A kid uses school to punch teachers, rather than to study? "It must have been oppression."

Asian-Americans can grow up poorer than Non-Asian minorities, but still average better than White-Americans in school scores, so it's about culture, not parental income.

Richard Dawkins Interviews Deepak Chopra (Enemies of Reason)

Velocity5 says...

Chopra's philosophy peaked in the 90s.

He and his allies weren't able to fulfill their promises... their ideas never progressed to being reproduced in reliable studies.

The future belongs to science and technology that can be shown to work, not to fancy spiritual words selling people a dream.

Lady Arrested After Letting her Pitbulls Loose on Reporter

Immigrants Taking British Jobs - Does The Math Add Up

Velocity5 says...

Immigration doesn't "take jobs."

It just puts downward pressure on income for the lower-class.

And it simultaneously requires increases in social spending on all the new people living in poverty, and increased pollution, traffic, crime, failing schools, etc.

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