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Why People Should Be Outraged at Zimmerman's 'Not Guilty'

Velocity5 says...

Martin was more athletic, taller, and a frequent street fighter. As a result he broke his victim's nose and was heading toward causing brain damage, but he himself hadn't taken a single injury.

That's not a saintly "child" (someone who's 12 years old or younger).

Martin would have been arrested and charged with assault if he had lived.

Show us the law that Zimmerman broke by following an unknown guest in his community.

ChaosEngine said:

No. Sorry that doesn't wash. In order for it to be self defense, there must be a reasonable threat.

Zimmerman was older, larger, stronger and armed. In what way was he possibly ever under threat? Plus and this is undisputed, he followed the fucking kid. Show me a real victim that has ever pursued their would-be assailant.

Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

Velocity5 says...

The best way to not get legally shot is don't try to kill people with your fists and by banging their head into the pavement.

Even if you don't kill them, causing permanent brain damage would still send you to jail for a long time. Mr. Martin would have been arrested and charged with assault if he'd lived.

If someone is legally following you because you're an unknown guest in their community and their community is under siege from constant home invasion robberies, it's much smarter to use words rather than try to kill them.

dannym3141 said:

Race aside, i think this law is shocking.

Zimmerman knew he had a gun on him, you obviously don't carry one by accident. He threw himself into a situation which eventually allowed him to use that gun, and if you ask me that is utterly fucking reckless. If you're allowed to carry a gun, then you sure as shit better do everything in your power to avoid using it, up to and including extricating yourself from a situation before it even escalates. You see someone walking around that you think looks suspicious? Ok, phone the police; your job is done.

No life was in danger until he followed that kid. Even if he thought that the kid was out trying to steal, or sell drugs, or whatever, it matters not to me. Until someone's life is clearly in danger, the addition of a gun to the situation only makes the situation more dangerous. Having a weapon did one thing here - it gave someone the confidence and feeling of safety that allowed him to put himself into a situation which he otherwise wouldn't have put himself in, and that is dangerous to everyone.

This law will always favour the shooter because that person will be the only person left standing.

Why People Should Be Outraged at Zimmerman's 'Not Guilty'

Velocity5 says...

The only way to get honest evaluations from people is to describe it with no mention of the participants' races.

But still include full descriptions of their personalities so we can make accurate predictions about how they're likely to react.

Asiana Flight 214 Pilot's Names Released FAIL

Velocity5 says...

Are you admitting there are "Asian-English" but Asia won't allow "English-Asians"?

Good. So you're a nativist.

That's fine, just don't let "Western liberalism" spread in your country, or they'll ruin it the way they dumbed down Western nations.

9547bis said:

"Ha, those asian races that are all racists, unlike us!"
Please kindly go fuck yourself ^__^

With love,
- Hong Kong, Singapore, Java, Bangkok, Guangzhou, etc...

Asiana Flight 214 Pilot's Names Released FAIL

Velocity5 says...

That's fine if you want "Asia for Asians." But liberals would say that's a "nativist" and a "racist" position. That's why liberals screwed up their own nations by importing tens of millions of people with lower academic scores than themselves.

There are "Asian-English" who are regarded as fully English, but Asia won't allow "English-Asians."

So it seems you're holding other nations to standards you don't actually believe in. (And I'd support you in your beliefs.)

mentality said:

That's because you are talking about America which is 99% made up of immigrants in the first place. There's no such thing as an American ethnicity. America is a melting pot of different cultures and Asians are an inherent part of America. That's why you can't have a white Korean but you can have a Korean-American.

Also, your hidden joke sucks.

Asiana Flight 214 Pilot's Names Released FAIL

Velocity5 says...

You might have missed my hidden joke... there's no such thing as a "White-Korean," only "foreigners"!

No Asian countries accept people of other ethnicities the way Western nations do.

The "racism" claim about this video seems a bit much.

Asiana Flight 214 Pilot's Names Released FAIL

Nature Serves Justice to Hat/Shirt Thief

Brave Texas woman speaks out against legislators

Velocity5 says...

A lot of liberals and conservatives debate like wild animals, like the speaker in this video.

It takes a minimum level of humanity to recognize that we can still debate like human beings

Hooligan Brawl Narrated by David Attenborough

Michigan Woman Tries To Hire A Hitman To Kill Her Husband.

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Georgia Sheriffs Draw Blood for ALL DUIs Without Consent

Velocity5 says...


If you invoke your right to remain silent but are almost certainly guilty of a crime, that doesn't mean you don't have to pay for your crime.

You can still be charged in court, have your house and computer searched, etc. In this case, the assumption is that having blood analyzed is in the same category as having your house analyzed.

We can make a data-driven decision and say that yes, virtually everyone who went through this blood draw was guilty of the crime.

Georgia Sheriffs Draw Blood for ALL DUIs Without Consent

Velocity5 says...

Medical professionals routinely take blood samples, sometimes done with the help of law enforcement or prison guards.

Yes, the easiest way to get out of being suspected of drunk driving is to take the breathalyzer.

Focusing your life on a long-term career will bring you more happiness than trying to overthrow governments.

Earn enough to make a down-payment on a house. Gain enough value that you appreciate law enforcement protecting it.

Yogi said:

Well if that was your experience than it must be relevant to this situation, nay ALL situations. Giving cops the ability to inject you with a dirty aids needle...sounds GREAT.

Georgia Sheriffs Draw Blood for ALL DUIs Without Consent

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