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Super cute puppy harasses tabby cat

Not what you first think :o)

Dove: "I love you!" Cat: "Trying to sleep here..."

Fainting Goat Kittens

Massive Fireworks Experiment

Christopher Hitchens has cancer!

Tyrsis says...

This is really distasteful. Hopefully a better video of this situation gets posted and upvoted. As an atheist, having Christians almost gloat at the fact that he has cancer, and basically under their breath say, "I told you so", is a complete insult. If they truly respected him as a "friend", they would keep god out of this.

Toronto police charge G20 crowd singing "O Canada"

Tyrsis says...

Here is another angle of this:

On another note, as a citizen of Toronto, I tried to really give the police the benefit of the doubt on this. Even though I disagreed with the amount spent on the G20 security, and the general turmoil that occurred to the businesses in the G20 fenced area. I know in most cases police are there for the good of the people (though I'm sure some will disagree).

While I can understand the crack down they did on the second day (Sunday June 27th), due to what happened on Saturday, unfortunately that came at the expense of our civil liberties. They completely squashed on many liberties that we have in exchange for security. On a very fundamental level, that is just WRONG.

Here is a good overview of what I mean. Here is a video of someone getting arrested for "Public Works Protection Act" a few days before the G20:

The chief of police declared that "If you go 5 meters away from the fence, you are required to submit to police questioning under this act". As you can see in the above video, police are enacting this order. While this is a vague law, it actually holds true in courts, and many thought they made an exception for the G20. It turns out, this wasn't the case.

After the G20, and when pushed about this, the chief actually says this rule was never actually in place. Yet it is obvious in the video above, that officers were ordered to follow this rule. Here is an article about it:

This of course goes way above and beyond what happened on Sunday at Queen and Spadina, where hundreds were detained for no reason at all, and I'd even say illegally.

Here is a copy of the Charter of rights in Canada:

Basically legal rights from 7) right down to even 12) were stomped all over this weekend. While there were some people that were in the wrong, the methods the police used were also wrong. Detaining and arresting 1000 in order to capture a 100 is not right.

Looting attempt foiled at G20

Net Neutrality is really Obama taking control of Internet!

Tyrsis says...

ISPs will fight tooth and nail to get rid of Net Neutrality, as they desperately want to control data flow and be able to charge premium for certain types of data.

Just look at Canada. ISPs snuck under the radar and have all decided to throttle speeds depending on what you're trying to download. Anything that is sent that appears to be a torrent, legal or not, is de-prioritized, and slowed down to a crawl. Now the government is forced to jump through hoops to get ISPs to even admit that they are doing it, let alone force them not to pull any stunts like that on more than just torrents.

Kittens On A Slide

Youtube's Red Light Runners compilation

NV Woman Sentenced to Life for Asking Minor for Sex

Meet Egypts Strongest Man

Tyrsis says...

This contains so much awesome-sauce that it's hard not to applaud.

They say that god has blessed him with great restraint, yet he has to have sex with 4 women 15 times a day?

I love when they pan to one of the wives, and she looks like someone is holding a gun to her head, and she is on the cusp of crying in terror. Then the reporter asks permission to talk to the wives, and asks if there are any beatings involved, then immediately laughs.

The whole coin bending magic trick that mesmerizes all onlookers, shows that all magicians are the strongest men / women alive!

I think the reality is, he's not allowed to work because he's clinically insane. The tests they gave him to check his strength seems like something out of episode one of star wars. I wonder what his metachlorian count really was?

At least we are all safe in knowing that Allah chose this man to carry the burden of superman powers. I guess we're all lucky that god also didn't bless him with the will to wear spandex tights, as his shirt was struggling just to stay on him.

Star Wars Baby Announcement

Advertising swords with middle aged men hacking at meat

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