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Baby Chicks dumped alive into a grinder (and other horrors)

Tupho says...

>> ^direpickle:

Well, to be fair, there are nutrients that humans need that aren't naturally available without eating animals or animal products. Vegans need to (should, anyway--asking for trouble if they don't) take supplements to get their B12.

That is correct direpickle, as far as I know.

Still its really annoying when people who really are intellegent and have otherwise sound values (yes i´m talking about you spoco2:) conclude that we´re just supposed to eat meat. We are not designed to be carnivours, we can choose.

But I don´t think the killing is the real issue. No human knows how animals or vegetables for that sake experience things. We can only assume. It´s the sympthomes of humans fancying ourselves being some kind of superiour existence that make me feel unpleasant. Even if we assume animals experience pain the same way we do, it doesn´t stop us from treating them like shit. Unnecessarily too.

Baby Chicks dumped alive into a grinder (and other horrors)

Tupho says...

>> ^spoco2:

The answer is so very NOT a vegetarian/vegan diet, we're built to be omnivorous. It's what we're designed for, it's what our teeth and gut is for.
What we're NOT designed for is the VERY overly processed 'meat products' like pressed meat patties which are only a percentage meat.

I've heard this argument before and it drives me crazy. Are you a religious person? And if so are you trying to convince us that you can't go to heaven if you don't eat meat. I have seen enough vegans/vegetarians live long healthy lives to know that it doesnt matter what we are "designed" to eat.

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Tupho says...

aww come on! dont these people see the potential kozyness of the situation? (please god, dont make me eat those words)

(btw: haha bushvilles)

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