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Why Meat is the Best Worst Thing in the World

Fans react to Black Panther poster

ToastyBuffoon says...

Maybe it's just my old ass, but I haven't seen a "dope ass poster" since the early 80's. I'm not impressed by floating head advertisements.

Trump Is Under Spiritual Attack Because from Demons

The New Healthcare Plan Is A Secret - The Jim Jefferies Show

Bill Maher - Dan Savage

ToastyBuffoon says...

I'm amazed time and again that they just don't seem to get it. You keep putting forth corporate shill Democrats that practically everyone can see a mile away and you will not win. Sure there are other factors involved as well, but it is clear to me that everyone is no longer swayed by the smooth talking politician. We want change. We want to give government a swift kick in the ass. Unfortunately a lot of those hungry voters were willing to chance it with a child like buffoon. I like some things that Maher says, but he has no idea what the people want.

Bernie Sanders Blasts Secret GOP Health Care Bill

ToastyBuffoon says...

I didn't hear Bernie once in this video say he KNOWS that the bill is all doom and gloom. He makes it quite clear that he is speculating while rightfully asking for them to be transparent and inclusive with the bill. Why wouldn't anyone with half a brain think that this bill is similar to the Trumpcare bill that passed the house?

bobknight33 said:

If Republicans aren't saying shit about their bill how does Bernie know all this doom and gloom? Democrats are pure Bull shit. Bernie included.

Atheist Angers Christians With Bible Verse

ToastyBuffoon says...

I love the rationale that it doesn't matter what one verse says, because this other verse counters the first. So if I understand, the Bible was written for you to just pick and choose the parts you like?

tomi lahren from the blaze goes full blown snowflake

Adam Ruins Millennials

ToastyBuffoon says...

Is it just me or does anyone else fixate and get annoyed by filler speech patterns, like this guy saying uhh and umm every few words? Not related to this video, but the most annoying to me is "know what I mean?".

Patton Oswalt on Conan: Dealing with the death of a spouse

Passengers - Trailer (Dec 2016)

Mad Max: Fury Road - Raw

ToastyBuffoon says...

I sincerely hope enough money was made, and George Miller has at least one more in him. I thoroughly enjoy all the films with the exception of Thunderdome.

Sarah Palin Crashes & Burns

ToastyBuffoon says...

I'm just baffled that anyone would take the time to try to decipher anything Palin said. I find her word salads to be like a car wreck. I'll slow down enough to try to get a glimpse of what is going on, but I'm not going to pull over and try to figure out who caused it.

THE TURING TEST Trailer (2016)

ToastyBuffoon says...

I don't know about 2001, but there are some seriously low res textures in there and stiff animation. It certainly doesn't look much better than a modified version of the source engine.

ForgedReality said:

Jesus. This is a 2016 game? It looks like it was made in 2001. No joke. Consoles are holding back gaming, or more specifically, AMD.

Brother Dee Gray Exposes The Funeral Hustle

ToastyBuffoon says...

I understand completely what this man has said. My wife passed away a bit over 3 years ago, and after all was said and done from the funeral, to the headstone at the cemetery, I had spent nearly 15k. You know what? I don't regret a penny of it. Her funeral service was lovely, and gave myself, her friends, and other family members an opportunity to say goodbye and to reflect on the good experiences she brought everyone. It was beautifully done and I honestly believe I'd regret not having done that.

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