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Office workers blasted by strong winds

How to Be a Woke White Person

TheFreak jokingly says...

So what you're saying is that anything "foreign" is confusing and scary. Typical xenophobia. What's next, pink/yellow/orange children in cages?

I noticed there was no mention of racially oppressed people in your comment.

: obligatory Hitler reference here :

vil said:

Wokespeak is a foreign language so I have some trouble with the concept.

COVID Reopening Phases Explained by Monty Python.

TheFreak says...

My favorite part is when they bring out the holy hand grenade and it's only barely strong enough to kill the rabbit but when half the knights decide not to use it the rabbit ends up hanging around for another couple of years.

Orange County is the Florida of California

TheFreak says...

Reagan happened.

That's when Republicans became the party that worked to serve the interests of corporations and wealthy individuals. To do that they needed to get people to vote against their own interests. To accomplish this, they've resorted to increasingly extreme methods to attract votes from easily manipulated people.

SFOGuy said:

It's very odd. I think about--what for better lack of a phrase--would be "Eisenhower" Republicans and how they believed in science, raced Sputnik, oversaw and endorsed advances in vaccines (Polio etc)---and find it puzzling how things fell away to this. Very weird.

Garbage can crash

TheFreak says...

Looks like someone's about to get an HOA violation for an improperly placed trash receptacle. This is 3 strikes, after the fine for the lawn being longer than 1.25 inches and the infamous "paper cup on the driveway" incident.

Guy buys fully dressed Cop Car

Your Dog thinking You're the "Alpha" is NOT a Real Thing

TheFreak says...

Hmmm....I'm not resistant to this new information but when I listen to this presenter it sounds to me like she's personally offended by the original Alpha dog theory. The disgust in her voice throughout is unmistakable and I assume she's conflating canine behavior theory with human social cliches or that she feels that any form of negative reinforcement is abuse.

This leads me to believe that I'm getting a biased interpretation of nuanced data.

If I want to know what's going on here I'm going to have to commit to the necessary investigation because this presenter is unreliable on this topic.

Unfortunately, my interest in this topic barely extends to the length of a 6 minute youtube video.

Marbula E Race 2 "Seoul" - Marble Race by Jelle's Marble Run

TheFreak says...

All the teams seem to be having a tough time finding a fast line coming out of the sixth turn, into the seventh. I wonder if it has to do with track conditions.

PS5 Demo

Chris Hayes Explains COVID-19 Testing To Trump

TheFreak says...

Every time you think you've got a handle on Trump's stupidity you find out he's even dumber than you thought. It's like his IQ is actively dropping every day.

Harry Potter and the Return of the Receipt

Garbage Truck Bursts Into Flames

TheFreak says...

Maybe an Engineer filming that absolute failure of mechanical design. Seriously, that is the dumbest automated pickup system ever. It achieves exactly 0 efficiency goals.

moonsammy said:

I was curious why this was being filmed. Apparently the youtuber just loves filming garbage trucks. Guess everyone needs a hobby...

Every Covid-19 Commercial is Exactly the Same

TheFreak says...

A crisis! What a great brand opportunity!

An example of how corporations are like sociopaths. If a person stood up and gave a speech taken from the text of these ads, you'd be wondering what the fuck's wrong with this person for making the whole thing about themself. You'd also be wondering why broadcast news is carrying it live every day.

Roger Stone Unhinged In New Deposition Footage | NowThis

Samurai & Shogun (Rick and Morty) | adult swim

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