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Julian Assange's first post-bail interview

John Pilger - The War You Don't See (2010)

"Seriously Get These Things Off Me"

300 years of fossil-fueled addiction in 5 minutes

SveNitoR says...

>> ^skinnydaddy1:

>> ^SveNitoR:
>> ^skinnydaddy1:
Also, I like bikes but Hate bicyclists and not to sound 2 much like an ass but 10 mins on a bus or train and I end up wanting to set fire to everyone around me.

Not too much of a people person, are you?

No, I just happen to always end up sitting next to the people who end up having a psychotic episode or feel the need to put cologne or perfume on by the gallon. Or feel the need to explain how they and only they know how to solve all the worlds problems. I do get funny looks when I explain how I would solve it all.
"Nuke it from orbit, Its the only way to be sure."

Haha, you remind me of a good friend of mine.

10 centuries in 5 minutes

Kids Disappointed by Disney World

SveNitoR says...

>> ^handmethekeysyou:

There are starving kids in China who would kill to go to Disney World.>> ^Deano:
Come on, these kids are awesome. To see past the bullshit appeal of Disney, well I applaud them.

No they want food, not entertainment.

I'm asking myself how anyone can plan, pay for and start an expensive vacation without asking the kids where they want to go?

Ponies don't take no shit!

SveNitoR says...

>> ^handmethekeysyou:

Just because our nations have, for the most part, moved beyond using animals for physical labor doesn't mean it's unjust.
Our civilizations were built on this shit. Don't turn your noses up so fast.

Civilization was built on abusing animals? Don't you agree there is a pretty huge difference between hitting a horse and having it do physical labor?

The Most Intensely Horrible High School Girls' Hurdles Race

300 years of fossil-fueled addiction in 5 minutes

Would you like to touch my boob?

Ryan Stout - Tooth Fairy (plus Heckle)

Would you like to touch my boob?

.50 Cal Sniper vs Watermelon (OMFG Edition)

SveNitoR says...

This is not real (of course - since it would be really stupid to risk that).
Freddie posted this on the Something Awful Forums about how they blew up the watermelon:

"A quarter diameter bit of black powder is what we used. People expect the watermelon itself to be comped, but we do the whole thing as "real" which is what you don't expect."

Bill Maher Stands By Mohammed Remarks

SveNitoR says...

This kind of thing annoys me as well. For some reason a lot of people seem to believe that most Muslims are extremists. Most are not. They are good people who want nothing more than love, safety, freedom and peace, like almost everybody else on this planet.

The XX - Intro

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