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Hudson Cop Rescues Deer Tangled In Christmas Lights

Can You Imagine Living Without Cats?

Greatest Classical Music Joke EVER told (Family Guy)

Jon Stewart Covers Bridgegate - Chris Christie Scandal

Stu says...

The guy is a dick but he's cracked down on a lot of stuff in that shit hole of a state. I'm almost not embarrassed to have to drive through there when there's no other option...almost.

How the Media Failed Women in 2013

Stu says...

You should go look up what this song is actually about. Not from Robin Thicke's point of view, but from Emily Ratajkowski. (Seriously, look it up)

Also the whole point Trance is trying to make that you're all missing, and actually exemplifying perfectly, is that no one cares if men are portrayed bad, because of the whole view of being manly man and not complaining.

I don't take either side in this so if you want to come back at me for something have fun, because frankly I don't give a shit about the media or how it portrays anyone. The media plays to the masses plain and simple. It will change when human nature does...good luck with that.

JiggaJonson said:

@Trancecoach I'd like to see a female equivalent (or worse) of the Rob Thicke video where he's fully clothed dancing around actually naked women doing things like:

Blowing smoke in their faces
Making them feign humping dogs
Holding little stop signs in their ass (because they want him to stop but he knows they want it)
Spelling out "Rob Thicke has a big dick" (clit? for the female version that doesn't exist as far as I know)

Not to mention the whole song is basically mirrors date rape and forcing yourself on women.

Yeah... good luck finding something MORE poorly portrayed, as you put it, where men are featured.

p.s. here's a link to the video:

How to behave in traffic

How to behave in traffic

Stu says...

Traffic is a living being and this guy just makes it worse. It's ok by me tho, I'm the guy going back and forth getting where I'm going hours before him. Traffic is caused by idiots. This guy is one of them.

Best Shootout goal ever in ICE Hockey?

Shannon Sharpe Rips the Dolphins' Locker Room Culture

Stu says...

While he has an important message that he is trying to get across. This "culture" they are arguing about goes far deeper than anyone realizes. Vocabulary should be the least of anyone's concern. For a side note about the vocabulary used, the word in question has lost its meaning as he is stating. Can it be a powerful word when used in a demeaning and demoralizing context? Absolutely. However, the blatant use and misuse of the word by everyone, blacks, whites and everything in between, has changed the meaning of the word. It is similar to the word fag. It has been years since I have heard the word actually used as a vicious attack towards a homosexual. Can it be? Absolutely. It is commonly used as that? Not even close. Words change meanings over time and especially over generations.

This is not the case here. The "culture" they talk about starts with teenage boys. Walk into a high school locker room. The threatening messages these two dolphins players sent each other are the same ones kids use. Martin even sent a text message to Incognito apologizing for the situation and that he doesn't blame him or they interactions. They are still friends. That says more about the whole situation than anything. They are still friends.

This "culture," yes I'm using quotes for a reason, is being founded in these men from the time they are boys. I was in locker rooms through high school and college. Have I used all the words they refer to? Yes I have. Do I hate anyone I was talking to? Not in the slightest, but it still happened because boys are boys. They don't know any better. That is the real issue. Coaches at the high school and college level are failing their players, not in a sport sense, but in a "how not to be a condescending piece of shit asshole" way. The morals I learned from my parents and family were not taught by many of my coaches. I had one coach who would bench you for this type of behavior. He did not care if you were the star or a third stringer. He did no care if we lost. He said he was more interested in teaching the kids how to be real men than to be football players. This was a great college coach and a great mentor.

This falls to them and to parents to try and teach at a young age this is not socially acceptable behavior. If they don't, they grow into men like we have on the dolphins, and then we have news stories like this. If these announcers think this isn't what EVERY single NFL or NBA locker room is like then they are even more delusional than I first thought.

Nobody is getting into these shorts

Stu says...

Good in concept yes, but they say it won't escalate in violence? Frustrating the shit out of someone who can already overpower you? The ones who fight back the most end up getting the most beat as well.

Don't get me wrong, it's a first step toward a much needed protection for women. I'm curious to see how it is rolled out and the outcome if it sadly is needed to be used.

Unreal Cheerleader Acrobatics

Stu says...

It is true for the most part. I have friends who were cheerleaders and now are coaches and they are gay and most of the males they coach are gay. It doesn't matter in the long run. It's akin to how men with hardened skulls are attracted to football. Still amazing.

eric3579 said:

Do people still really think that? It sounds so 25 years ago.

Hummingbird Hawk Moth

The Science of Heartbreak

Stu says...

There is actually a condition called the Broken Heart Disease, technically known as Tako Tsubo syndrome. It's a stressed induced Cardiomyopathy. I've had a couple patients with this. It occurs after a particularly stressful event in your life. Time is the only real treatment. Initially they treat it medically but a full recover is like the video states, surrounding yourself with a great support system.

Anthem for the British Empire... Sound Familiar, USA?

Antboy Trailer

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