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Saved From Stupidity: Adopt-an-American

The Stimulus Bill Debate: Michael Hudson & Robert Kuttner

The Worlds Smartest Man Works in a Bar (Fascinating)

SpeveO says...

From Wikipedia:

"In conjunction with his ideas, Langan has claimed that "you can prove the existence of God, the soul and an afterlife, using mathematics."

Uhuh. This I would like to see.

But as a warm up, why doesn't he tackle the Millenium Problems. He could earn a quick $6 million dollars . . . but perhaps this would divert his attention from his Intelligent Design research . . . hmmm.

America's banking crisis is unfathomable

SpeveO says...

^ You are wrong. The information used in the video is from the Federal Reserve itself and is accurate.

See the data here.

It is the 'Total Borrowings of Depository Institutions from the Federal Reserve, Monthly, Billions of Dollars, Not Seasonally Adjusted'.

For specific time periods, you can modify the graph yourself at the link above.

And here are some inflation-adjusted dollar amounts for you, all relative to the 2008 CPI.

1919: $2.8 billion = $34.4 billion
1929: $1 billion = $12.4 billion
1972: $3.3 billion = $16.8 billion
1986: $8 billion = $15.4 billion
1999: $3.5 billion = $4.4 billion

Are you scared yet?

America's banking crisis is unfathomable

SpeveO says...

1 billion dollars in 1929 adjusted for inflation using the CPI is around 12.42 billion dollars in 2008. You don't need to do an adjustment to realise that the amounts in play in the economy today are INSANE.

Chris Sharma Climbs One of Worlds Hardest Routes in Spain

SpeveO says...

Climbers are just getting insanely strong, pushing the scale off the limits. The hardest route I've ever climbed and finished is a 6b. I can't even begin to imagine how Sharma keeps himself up against that rock.

Peter Schiff Interviewed by The Wall Street Journal

Kucinich Ready To Go After The Federal Reserve!

SpeveO says...

Lately Kucinich has been hitting the monetary policy hard. He seems to be collaborating with the American Monetary Institute in receiving guidance on how to handle his proposed legislation. If ever there was a time to propose monetary reform, that time is now.

Complete Obsession - Body Dysmorphia

Sam Harris Discussing Islam in the News - MUST SEE

SpeveO says...

Social justice is a concept of justice, envy is an emotion. In my original context 'envy' doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If what you are implying is that a small portion of the Islamic world resorts to violence because they are envious of western countries, it smacks of George Bush's "They hate us because we are free" and it's naive and flat out wrong.

And no I'm not saying that suicide bombing and terrorism are an attribute of social justice movements either, but that the acts are rationalised by the perpetrators as a form of social justice, albeit a perverted version of it. They are not purely questing to fulfill some distorted interpretation of the Koran, social and political conditions also contribute heavily to fermenting their behavior.

Sam Harris's myopic view on this issue doesn't advance the discourse on this subject at all. I understand where Sam is coming from, but it's culminated in a knee jerk reaction to a far more complex affair than his ranting ever seems to allude to.

Sam Harris Discussing Islam in the News - MUST SEE

SpeveO says...

The point is not to defend abhorrent behaviors and violence, they are indefensible. But one should not abdicate other factors that heavily contribute to their being in the first place. It's a question of responsibility, and far more complex forces are responsible for the conflict with the 'Islamic' world than religion alone.

Sam Harris Discussing Islam in the News - MUST SEE

SpeveO says...

What drives these people to blow themselves up is not rooted in Islam, it's rooted in conflict and it's driven by a quest for social justice. Suicide bombing and terrorism would still exist in a world devoid of any religious belief as long as military oppression/agitation/social injustice persists.

To scapegoat religion as the primary driving force for these brutal acts is shallow. Sam's argument is so devoid of any sense of Middle Eastern history or social and political context that it reeks of the same dogma he's so disgusted by.

Norman Finkelstein ~ Alan Dershowitz Debate

SpeveO says...

Dershowitz is a clown. I recently heard a clip of him talking on Fox News Radio claiming that Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein are supporters of Al Qaeda. Talk about bitter bullshit.

I sure hope he's paid the $10 000 to Finkelstein by now. If not Finkelstein should sue, but I'd sure hate to see Natalie Portman cry seeing her 'teacher' berated in court.

Obama Part of the Unconstitutional Agenda?

Electronic waste in Ghana

SpeveO says...

Legacy100's raving immediately became irrelevant when an entire continent of 53 unique countries was compared to 3 cherry picked countries in Asia. Do I need to remind you that some of these gems of economic development also fall under the Asian designation . . . Bangladesh, Burma, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, East Timor, The Maldives, Nepal, Yemen, Bhutan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, etc.

There are deep and complex structural problems in Africa. Every country is unique but the exploitation of natural resources and labour is pretty universal.

Why not try reading "Bitter Chocolate" by Carol Off. It chronicles the exploitation of cocoa by large western corporations in the Ivory Coast, just 1 unique story in a bouquet of 53.

Westerners should stop pointing fingers at Africa while they stuff their mouths full of chocolate tempered on the back of bitter exploitative conditions on a continent they know NOTHING about.

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