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GeeSussFreeK (Member Profile)

SpeveO says...

I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's a great presentation. The guy is so clued up, and he's got a lot of courage to take on Wall Street. He called the naked short selling issue in 2005. If only people like this were listened to and not derided.

Oh yeah, his name is Patrick Byrne, he's CEO of and founder of I'm sure you can find his e-mail address at one of those sites.

If you are interested in the guy theres a great interview over at with him. A really great guy who has lived a pretty interesting life.


In reply to this comment by GeeSussFreeK:
Dude, awesome linkage! Best hour I have spent learning in awhile. Very great stuff

Do you know who did it so I can send him a thank you as well? That was surely a lot of effort.

In reply to this comment by SpeveO:
Make sure to watch the presentation on 'naked short selling' at It's a very thorough explanation if you are looking to understand what 'naked short selling' is, how it works and how it's been abused. Mind blowing.

George Galloway banned from Canada

SpeveO says...

"If it is so clear, please tell me which part of Canada's Immigration and Refugee Protection Act clearly blocks the entry of George W. Bush?"

Lets look at the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

First and very important is section 33 where it states:

33. The facts that constitute inadmissibility under sections 34 to 37 include facts arising from omissions and, unless otherwise provided, include facts for which there are reasonable grounds to believe that they have occurred, are occurring or may occur.

George Bush doesn't fall under section 34 like Galloway did, he falls under section 35 which states:

35. (1) A permanent resident or a foreign national is inadmissible on grounds of violating human or international rights for

(a) committing an act outside Canada that constitutes an offence referred to in sections 4 to 7 of the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act;

Bush is not exempt by the next paragraph (b) and subsequent subsection (2) of this section because he is no longer an elected senior official.

The Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act states in section 6:


Genocide, etc., committed outside Canada

6. (1) Every person who, either before or after the coming into force of this section, commits outside Canada

(a) genocide,
(b) a crime against humanity, or
(c) a war crime,

Definitions follow further in the act:

3) The definitions in this subsection apply in this section.
"crime against humanity"
«crime contre l’humanité »

"crime against humanity" means murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, imprisonment, torture, sexual violence, persecution or any other inhumane act or omission that is committed against any civilian population or any identifiable group and that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes a crime against humanity according to customary international law or conventional international law or by virtue of its being criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission.

"war crime"
«crime de guerre »

"war crime" means an act or omission committed during an armed conflict that, at the time and in the place of its commission, constitutes a war crime according to customary international law or conventional international law applicable to armed conflicts, whether or not it constitutes a contravention of the law in force at the time and in the place of its commission.

George Galloway banned from Canada

SpeveO says...

I'm not saying that the decision the Canadian Government made was right, but addressing the larger issue that the government is selectively interpreting the law to the whims of the presently elected leadership.

If the Canadian government applied the laws that they cited in banning George Galloway consistently, George Bush should have never made it into the country either.

George Galloway banned from Canada

SpeveO says...

It's not about defending Mr Galloway and it's not about attacking George Bush, it's about addressing the Canadian governments blatant hypocrisy and disregard for its own laws. The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act is quite clear.

George Galloway banned from Canada

SpeveO says...

Did your pride also swell when Canada let George Bush, unrepentant war criminal, tap dance across the border? Oh right, he's not a war criminal, he's a humanitarian who saved the Iraqi people from blah blah blah insert hypocrisy here.

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