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Darth Vader Being A Smart Arse

what does the SAT measure

Sniper007 says...

No need for some great movement or nationwide initiative. If a man and his wife so choose, then all their children can be 100% test free for life in a matter of minutes. Also, they can be freed from the burden of college.

But hey, that's not for everyone. If you want to be a corporate tool for 30+ years, college will get you there. Some people just don't have the intestinal fortitude or creativity for meeting people's needs in a financially mutually beneficial way without someone else providing the leadership. Let the peons be peons on a collective scale, while always trying to convince them to grow on a personal, individual scale.

TED Talk-Controlling Someone Else's Arm With Your Brain

Why can't white people stop the violence?

Dentist Gives His Take on Toothpaste Microbead Plastic

Sniper007 says...

I haven't used toothpaste in over five years. Sometimes baking soda. Sometimes activated charcoal. Sometimes just salt. Sometimes just water. I mix it up.

Airplane Misrigging Lessons Learned From a Close Call

Faster, Stronger and Cheaper Robots

That Viral Math Problem (Cheryl's Birthday) - Numberphile

Sniper007 says...

I didn't realize the months and dates were hard coded into the presentation of the problem. I thought they could be any random dates or any number of random dates.

That needs to be made exlicit - thy chose those dates specifically.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Official Teaser #2

This is where good AH-1 Cobras go when they retire...

Interview Interrupted by Explosion and Flying Manhole Cover

Awesome one-take fight scene from Daredevil

Sniper007 says...

I don't understand the energy levels here. One moment, you can barely stand up, and it's hard to move your arms, and in the next instant your executing a perfect flying roundhouse kick. ...then you want to sleep again. Then you're tossing a guy through the air like a tin can... aaaand then you're so lethargic you fall over. Again and again...

Anti-vaxx mom reversal - After all 7 kids got whooping cough

How to put a baby to sleep in less than One Minute

Babies on the Brink

Sniper007 says...

Maybe the babies are also learning that there is always a loving caring person who's arms are inches away from them at all times, so they can do what they want with complete abandon?

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