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Moxie Marlinspike -- Making Private Communication Simple

Sniper007 says...

Cool! This is about the time 1/3rd of the contributors die in random car accidents or airplane crashes, 1/3rd disappear completely, and the other 1/3rd decide to work on other projects and refuse to ever mention cryptography again.


Brilliantly Simple Rotary Wood Splitter

Brilliantly Simple Rotary Wood Splitter

Sniper007 says...

I'd have to see that bit in person to know for sure, but I'm guessing that scenario would be INCREDIBLY unlikely. The bit would have to hit bone immediately, in JUST the right way... I'd venture to say that would be nearly impossobile.

If it hit's flesh, you're yanking your hand out of there as hard and as fast as possible. Granted, you may leave some flesh behind, but it's not going to take your entire arm/hand.

But to help even further - put in a foot pedal that supplies power to the motor, making sure the moter is set up (however you can do this) to seize immediately when it loses power.

newtboy said:

True, but one moment stupidly looking away and getting it started into your wrist, say goodbye to that entire arm. ;-)

Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

Should gay people be allowed to marry?

Sniper007 says...

The very notion that a right can be granted by society is absurd. Either you have the right, or you don't. Society has nothing to do with it.

The reason sodomites insist on receiving extrinsic, public sympathy and support is because their lifestyle has no intrisic virtue. Every sodomite is by definition an evolutionary dead-end, and that community struggles with suicide and depression far more than the general populace - for a reason. Change is possible, but the world would have them believe they are "born that way and should never change". Horse hockey.

New Method For Making Wood Corners For Drawers Or Boxes

Trailer for Mr. Holmes Starring Ian McKellen

Scheer & Hedges: They Know Everything About You (1/7)

Amateur Bomb Disposal

Eoin's Slippery Slide

Sniper007 says...

I'm in the process of rearing 6 boys, oldest is 7 years. I wouldn't stop recording either. The greatest danger is the boy will now seek greater adrenaline rushes later in life.

Lava Tube Drains Lost Lake

Lava Tube Drains Lost Lake

World's First $9 Computer

Sniper007 says...

Education for someone in a third world country isn't necessarily re-writing the assembly code. It is just enjoying using the computer. Learning to type. Learning how a mouse works. Making something beautiful. Writing a paper for school. From there, curiosity and fun will do the rest.

World's First $9 Computer

Sniper007 says...

It looks like the Beagleboard Black has similar specs. But it's $55. That's more than a few dollars difference.

I'm thinking if you can get a Linux distro with a GUI, a word program, a MS Paint type program, and support for a USB hub, you can turn it into a full fleged computer experience for $9 (+cost of USB Hub-$7, USB keyboard-$7, & USB mouse-$7). Assuming the user already has a composite capable TV. Oh, and you'd need a video adapter. Haven't priced those yet.

Anything keeping that from happening?

Where are the aliens? KurzGesagt

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