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Short stage act is incredibly wacky & brilliant

Patrick Stewart introducing The European Spallation Source

scott pilgrim VS the Matrix-chock full of awesome!

Professional Wrestling is real -- THE definitive proof

Chomsky on Egypt

Smugglarn says...

Then again, I just saw Real Time with Bill Maher where two of the guests championed creationism. Hatred of such a country can be justified - but then you would be just as juvenile as Chomsky.

>> ^Smugglarn:

His vitriol against the country in which he lives is approaching a level that is truly pathetic.
He has a few points yes, but since he never shuts up that is inevitable.

Chomsky on Egypt

Egyptian army protects protesters from the police.

Smugglarn says...

I would say that if you don't have a shitload of guns - protest peacefully. Throwing rocks is just the dumbest fucking thing you can do. The stupid little bastards in Palestine have been doing it for centuries with the expected reward of fuck all...

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^volumptuous:
If by fair you mean "a lot bloodier, and the protesters would now be "armed and dangerous" and the military would mow them down instantly"
Often, people don't think like you Blanky. Ghandi didn't want guns. These people most likely don't want them either. And it's so weird to me that you see every situation through the barrel of a gun.
>> ^blankfist:
I bet they wish they had guns. This revolution would be a bit more fair.

They're throwing rocks. I just assumed they'd want something a bit more effective at their disposal. Pardon me.

Firefly proves "darn" is more badass than "This is Sparta!"

Badass Lego Weapons

Duke Nukem Forever: New trailer! Release date! Really?

Stephen Colbert: Palin Fatigue

10 Fully Armored Police vs. 1 Burnt Out Drug Addict...GO

Smugglarn says...

I normally do not bash police work, but this seems strange.

It's obvious that the suspect has a weapon in his hand, but it's also obvious that it is a melee weapon. The suspect pretty much goes down on the first shot. The rest are kill shots.

Now, if this was a military op I would understand, but this seems like strange procedure in police work - SWAT team or not.

Mila Kunis Talks WoW on Jimmy Kimmel

Why I am no longer a Christian

Why I am no longer a Christian

Smugglarn says...

Great sift. I read a History of God as a teenager, and realised now that I had forgotten most of it and how interesting the history of the narrative is. I wonder if he is going to read The God Delusion.

Fitting that Yahwhe is the Hebrew god of war. Kind of puts things into place. He must be overjoyed by the permanent misery and death that festers in his kingdom. Oh, and that thing about Jesus being God? Forget that noise - if Yahweh is who he appears to be, he would have crucified that pansy ass himself - and maybe he did?

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