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Epic Meal Time - Kids Edition

TED Talks - Roger Ebert: Remaking my voice

Smugglarn says...

Go fuck yourself.

Then die.>> ^Payback:

I've wondered why I've never felt any real compassion for him, then it dawned on me. Before the cancer, he was such an uptight, sanctimonious prick, so in love with his own voice... just seemed kharmically balanced to me. At least he seems to have learned some humility.

Just Ellen Page Juggling

Casey Heynes Interview - Bully Victim Who fought Back

Bombs for peace? 'UN completely disgraced in Libya'

Glenn Beck - God Punished Japan With Earthquake, Tsunami

Michael Moore 'This Is Class War'

Minamisanriku getting swept away by the tsunami

Smugglarn says...

They are not sitting beneath a bunch of heavy studio equipment ie lights and whatnot>> ^ant:

>> ^silvercord:
"It has to be one of the scariest video from the catastrophe. Chilling."
I'd say. Those hats are terrifying.

Yeah, that was weird. Why are the people in the background not wearing them?

The Final Boss of the Internet

Just a normal sunday morning

High Schooler Crushes Fox News On Wisconsin Protests

Smugglarn says...

A clan system? Like Afgahnistan, Irak, Libya, Saudi Arabia... need I go on?>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

>> ^Truckchase:
>> ^ridesallyridenc:
Truckchase, you're right. With regard to your last two paragraphs, I think we are more similar than I may have thought. At least with respect to our perceptions of the problem. Our individual ideas of how to address the problem, however, may be divergent.

Man do I appreciate that; this is why I love the sift! I really mean it when I say I'm open to ideas. The initial thought of my "solution" makes me ill at first glance, but I've thought about this one for a long time and haven't yet come up with any other way to stem the tide in our lifetime. I do think we'll eventually get a shift against the immense corporate and personal power of the ultra-huge and ultra-rich as the mainstream populous is denied what has been promised to them, but often we humans take generations to see what has right in front of our face. My real fear is that by the time the US citizens wake up and see what has been going on, it'll be too late and we'll be a severely dis-empowered country with a heavily entrenched ruling upper class.
That said I do think there is certainly a need for workforce stimulus as you have laid out. Balancing the two concepts is the exceptionally hard part... apathy is the mortal enemy of progress.
Edit: replaced "can't" with "haven't yet"

In my friends sci-fi, never to be, movie; the villain, through gene manipulation, became a world financial powerhouse. He was able to manipulate the world with this power, and the device of his power...a teleportation machine. Using this device, similar to the fly, he could modify himself, and indeed, store backup copies of himself if things went bad. The hero's couldn't combat him, he was to strong and powerful. The hero discovered that each day if the villain was alive, the clone was destroyed. The hero thought of a plan to combat the villain...with himself! They were able to unleash the clone of the villain, and of course, both wanted to be top dog.
I bring this story up because I think it has a lot to deal with our current situation. Their are 2 types of ultra rich, those who earned it, and those who exploited it. The former are more common then the later, but the later is the bad apple that spoils the bunch for sure. More often than not, usually their rise to power isn't because of any real thing, but of being able to game the system in their favor. The current game in town is government regulatory bodies. They are able to be top dog because they can run anyone out of business with their "power" (money, and the government is their teleportation device . In many cases, if you had other "villains" running around, they would be hard pressed to gain unchallengeable power. I have yet to be exposed to a "natural" monopoly spare ones dealing in raw earth resources.
I think one of the main problems you face if you wish to level the playing field with regulatory bodies is distributed costs, concentrated benefits. You can't gain much political capital to fight the unfair sugar tax all US citizens incur, the financial drain is just to small to get motivation to fight. That "tax" results in, if memory serves, a 4 billion dollar "subsidy" to the sugar growers of America. If you are a sugar company, it just makes since to pass laws like this. The same goes for any other US company. When you are talking billions of dollars, you can't NOT be in matter how "legal" it is. If the drug war has taught us anything, when billions of dollars are at stake, there isn't a wall high enough to stop the flow. You will never, ever end regulatory corruption.
Personally, I feel things like videosift could replace many of what we consider government responsibilities. With, I say, about 120 people talking about all the things that matter, you could protect yourself from companies known for food contamination, health trends, investing in your retirement, ect. Even things like labor unions might be better served through communities of people and not just of workers.
I think that the answer to many social problems can be solved if we look to our own evolution. It has been said that brain size is directly correlated to the size of the animal group members. If you extrapolate from monkey brains to our brain size, the perfect group size is around 130-200 people. Any system larger than this flies in the face of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. You can expect much suffering and exploitation in a system that goes away from this number. I believe this is the reason a person can feel alone in a city of millions of people, your brain just isn't ready to handle it. Communities might not be the most efficient way to run things from a logical stand point...but we aren't mostly logical. We are animals trying to be more than what we are. As a result, we have caused much suffering and hardship.
My new metal experiment is developing a sort of "clan" system. Managing powers of clans and rights and responsible thereof. I think it would be inefficient, yet, highly effective because it takes into account the general nature of mankind. Of note, labor unions are already along the lines of clan thinking, so my thought experiment is already playing itself out through the natural course of the market.

Joe Rogan on Retiring the Word "Faggot"

Smugglarn says...

Faggot, Douche, Cunt, Pussie etc all have one thing in common - they all refer to what heterosexual males fear and detest the most:


All of those terms in one way or another refer to aspects of the female persona, be it physical or psychological. Inherent to that notion is the knowledge that women are weaker than men and traditionally dependent on them for protection. To be physically or emotionally dependent on anyone is to be a failure in the psyche of the heterosexual male.

That seems to me to be a base instinct, and can only be overcome with rational thought and secular humanistic values.>> ^entr0py:

>> ^bmacs27:

What we need is a defacto, non-descriptive insult, which is not associated with a particular group. I think that word is douche.

Unless you count women. Men calling each other douche bag is exactly like men going around calling each other pussies. It's the association with vulgar womanliness that's supposed to be insulting. I could see both terms irritating women who want to be respected.
It really is hard to think a word that is a personal insult but doesn't insult a group. Not jerk either, masturbators don't deserve that sort of scorn, it's natural. Maybe ass? Even if the noble donkey does not get our meaning, doesn't that just make it more unfair and mean spirited? Poor stupid bastards.
I give up.

Varying Bullet Caliber Damage

Smugglarn says...

That bothers me to no end. People seem to think that the Nazi swastika is terribly offensive, but somehow the Communist hammer and sickle aren't.

My guess is that if he wore that shirt in, say any Baltic country, he would be severely beaten, and rightly so.>> ^quantumushroom:

Why is he wearing a Russian swastika? Does he not know 60 million people were murdered by the hammer and sickle?

The Greatest Music Video Ever Made

Smugglarn says...

Because it's a music video.

One could argue that it's a music trailer in that it works like a flipside movie trailer. The action plays to the music, and at least made me run the search on Spotify, and lo and behold I am listening to The Black Keys and they're getting paid.

Now for the real question: Why are they drinking Tuborg in Mexico?!

>> ^MarineGunrock:

Yeah, srsly - why the fuck are there multiple people calling this a music video?

FBI Investigates Scientology -- aw, too bad

Smugglarn says...

Not that I do not despise Scientology, but do they rape little boys or blow up people for not agreeing with them?

They're a sick lot, but comparably mild to other cultists.

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