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Is ObamaCare Constitutional?

ShakaUVM says...

>> ^detheter:
Okay, you win Fox News. See you later America, once you're bankrupt and in the waning days of your superpower status. Better start learning chinese! seriously, listen to these guys, and one day we all will be communist (chinese).

I have already learned Chinese. Married to one.

But on the topic, they can probably run this through through the regulation of commerce clause, like they do with everything these days (because everything ultimately relates to commerce... somehow).

"The only reason they existed was because of the Great Depression, it was one of the spending programs enacted by the government to try and enable Keynesian full employment (if the private sector can't employ everyone, then it is up to the government to do so)."

100 years ago Keynes (and Keynesians) claimed that in 100 years economic depressions will have been solved. Isn't that reassuring?

The one US representative not bought by the insurance lobby.

ShakaUVM says...

The funny thing is, when you look at aspects of medical care that DO have competition (because insurance doesn't cover them, so people shop around), you see the normal progression of things becoming cheaper over time. Laser eye surgery of different flavors, for example, as well as various kinds of plastic surgery.

When you look at health care that does not have competition nor price transparency, you get ungodly high prices, even after insurance.

"At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"

ShakaUVM says...

>> ^pavel_one:
Is there a reason why HUAC is a tag for this clip? For those who don't know the difference, I implore you to learn the facts prior to passing judgment on a good man.

Because people are too stupid to know the difference between the House and the Senate?

I know, I know, it was a rhetorical question, but I'm afraid your point might have been too subtle for the Olbermann/Maddow fluffbrains here on Videosift.

Olbermann Slamming Glenn Beck Again...Again!

ShakaUVM says...

Olbermann is such a douche. His counter argument to Van Jones being a communist is that he "shares a publisher" with Beck? Give me a fucking break. If you are going to accuse someone of misrepresenting facts, you need to use, you know, actual facts. Not hand-waving bullshit like that. But that's all Olbermann really knows how to do.

Pfft, some expose.

Maddow Exposes Fake Protesters At Health Care Town Halls

ShakaUVM says...

>> ^oscarillo:
>> ^ShakaUVM:
If she's the smartest person on TV, how does she not understand that national health care plan proposed IS socialism? You just look stupid when you mock people pointing out the obvious.
It's not a "national insurance policy" - that would imply, at least to reasonable people, that it would cover its own costs using, you know, actuary tables and stuff like that, like real companies use. Instead, it is subsidized health care, where the government picks up 2/3rds of the tab of health care, while increasing health costs by paying doctors more than market value for their services.
There's nothing to like about Obamacare. Unless you're a doctor, I guess. Which is why the AMA is for it.

I really try to undestand all you rednecks out there, but this is something I dont get :
If your so call "socialism" will help far more people, far more ( I wont put a number because probably you didnt learn it before quiting elementry school) what is the problem , because it sound like "socialism", mmm...C'mon....Yes do it like real companies!! keep fucking me in the ass, yes I will pay more for my shitty health care insurance so I can get a flu shoot, Yes!!! , as long it doesnt sound like "socialism"

I didn't say I disagreed with it because it was socialism, I was just mocking Rachel for trying to pretend that it's not socialism. The VA, Medicare, Medi-Cal, etc., are all socialized medicine systems. She's shilling for the administration by trying to pretend otherwise. I detest dishonesty like that in reporters.

But I dislike Obamacare because 1) It'll bankrupt the country and 2) It will raise medical prices.

The VA is an example of socialized medicine run passably well. They use their massive purchasing power to negotiate lower drug rates for their system, and they do everything they can to keep costs low. Obamacare (and to be fair, Medicare Part D, Bush's brain-dead plan) not only will not use its power to lower rates, but actually raises them above the current market rates (Medicare Part D prohibits the government from using its purchasing power from negotiating lower rates). I don't see how anyone who understands his system could possibly be for it.

Unless you think Obama can wave his magic fairy wand and leprechauns and unicorns will pop into existence to lower our blood pressure and cure cancer.

Maddow Exposes Fake Protesters At Health Care Town Halls

ShakaUVM says...

>> ^Lolthien:
>> Okay, you are much less an informed person than WP..

You're saying that because I disagree with you, which is a rather silly thing to say, since you're wrong.

1. 'read a poll sometime' I have just as many polls available saying middle class people approve of healthcare reform as I have polls that say the opposite. Also, no polls anywhere refer to 'Obamacare'.
That word just shows you have very little original thought and are using regurgitated Fox News drivel to argue against something you haven't bothered to inform yourself about.

What an amazingly powerful argument. The possibility hasn't suggested itself to you that 1) I don't watch Fox News (except at the gym, which is all that they have on), 2) I have informed myself as much as possible about the issue, 3) I think Obamacare is the perfect name for it, and 4) I have read the polls, and people don't support it. Hell, the NYT showed 70% of people were worried about Obamacare. Not that it matters to Rachel Maddow, since all those people must be part of the Republican Secret Masters of the Earth organization.

2. I have to challenge you to submit evidence that she said anything about ending secret ballots being pro-labor, and also challenge you to present evidence that the Employee Free Choice act does nothing besides end secret ballots.
3. I submit that you, sir, are a troll of rather poor talent.

Pot, Kettle.

She said the EFCA was a pro-labor bill, when it is anything but. If she had said it was a pro-union bill, then yes, absolutely true.

There's a good summary of why it is anti-labor here:

(And yes, I know the Heritage foundation is right-wing, but it's a good summary of why the bill is bad for workers.)

PHYSICS of STARSHIP BATTLES-lasers and kinetic energy

ShakaUVM says...

The new BSG does a pretty good job with movie physics. (Besides the FTL drive, I guess.)

A friend of mine used to work for Cymer testing their million dollar lasers. He fell asleep during a test run and burned a largish hole through the wall that's still there today (another friend works in his exact job now... for some reason, my first friend is no longer there).

They're powerful enough, though, and the video gets the physics completely wrong!

E = hf is the formula for A SINGLE PHOTON, not for a laser. The energy delivered by a laser equals the energy put into the laser (minus any inefficancy losses). So a perfectly efficient zetawatt laser shooting through a vacuum will deliver a zetawatt of energy to the target, at any distance, at the speed of light. That's a pretty damn good weapon.

Also, he fucked up the mass section of the video also. Only massless particles can travel at the speed of light. So no kinetic energy for you traveling at the speed of light! (Photons carry momentum but not mass, and kinetic energy is defined by the mass-velocity product). Accelerating a asteroid or whatever towards the speed of light does not "cap out" at .5mv^2 -> mc^2. You can continue pumping energy into a asteroid heading towards earth. It's apparent velocity will not change, but it's apparent MASS will. Hence, conservation of energy.

Essentially, I think this guy doesn't know physics very well - that's all high school physics stuff.

Maddow Exposes Fake Protesters At Health Care Town Halls

ShakaUVM says...

She's also kind of wrong about middle class people being upset about Obamacare. Read a poll some time.

She also claims the Employee Free Choice act is "pro-labor". What? Ending the secret ballot for working people in Unions is, quote, "Pro-Labor?" She's either an idiot, or ridiculously uninformed.

Maddow? "Smart"? Give me a break.

Maddow Exposes Fake Protesters At Health Care Town Halls

ShakaUVM says...

If she's the smartest person on TV, how does she not understand that national health care plan proposed IS socialism? You just look stupid when you mock people pointing out the obvious.

It's not a "national insurance policy" - that would imply, at least to reasonable people, that it would cover its own costs using, you know, actuary tables and stuff like that, like real companies use. Instead, it is subsidized health care, where the government picks up 2/3rds of the tab of health care, while increasing health costs by paying doctors more than market value for their services.

There's nothing to like about Obamacare. Unless you're a doctor, I guess. Which is why the AMA is for it.

Professor nails class clown with eraser

America, your president has class.

An 11-year old plays Contra for the first time

ShakaUVM says...

Gamers today are seriously spoiled.

They don't even have health boxes on the ground in FPSs any more - you just go hide around a corner for 5 seconds and you regenerate up to full. It would seriously blow a kid's mind that people would take the time to beat games like Super Mario Bros 2 or Bionic Commando. I did it, and the thrill you get from beating a hard game is much better than any of these checkpointed/infinite retries games we have today. (Of course, Contra was so ridiculously hard I only beat it with the Konami Code.)

While I loved Bioshock, I hated how bloody easy it was since you'd just pop out of a resurrection chamber every time you died. I'd get bored during a Big Daddy battle and just keep respawning on him over and over again until he went down... about halfway through I decided to just ignore the chambers entirely and play the game without dying.

Sunday Talk: Should We Investigate the CIA?

ShakaUVM says...

We ought to investigate congress.

They're breaking their fiduciary duty to us with their batshit crazy spending programs. If a CEO ran a company like that, he'd end up in bars faster than you could say 'Madoff'.

Auto-Tune the News #6: Michael Jackson. drugs. Palin.

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