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eric3579 (Member Profile)

Come Together - A Christmas Short

Come Together - A Christmas Short

Sarzy says...

Oh man, I just came here to sift this. Pure, concentrated Wes Anderson. So damn good.

Do I have enough points to *promote and *quality this? Let's find out.

PlayStation VR review (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

Doctor Strange -- chase through a city folding in on itself

Doctor Strange -- chase through a city folding in on itself

eric3579 (Member Profile)

The Story of Rocket League (Part 1) - How To Build a Rocket

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Rocket League (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

Introducing The Vigilante App

Sarzy says...

Yeah, I was positive this was some kind of viral ad for a show or a movie or something, but apparently it's actually real (or a *very* elaborate hoax). How can anyone think this is a good idea?? This is a billion lawsuits waiting to happen.

The Real Reasons We Don't Hear From Johnny Knoxville Anymore

Sarzy says...

He was also the sidekick in the new Jackie Chan movie, Skiptrace -- it didn't get much of a release here, but it's one of Chan's biggest hits in China.

Happy Beagle Sounds Like a Tie Fighter

John Wick: Chapter 2

Sarzy says...

Oh man, I've had a no trailers policy for at least a year now (which is awesome, by the way -- I highly recommend it), and this is the first time I've been seriously tempted to break it. The first John Wick was SO GOOD.

Interstate '76 - GTA V

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