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YouTube Previewing Videos on Hover? (Sift Talk Post)

Carnival Games VR review (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

I didn't know Kafka was Japanese...

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Super real Mario Odyssey

Behind the Scenes of La La Land

Behind the Scenes of La La Land

Conan Shuts Down A "Harlem Shake" Shoot - CONAN on TBS

F**k You, It's January! - RedLetterMedia

Sarzy says...

I'm not gonna lie, as a fan of horror, action, and just genre films in general, I actually really look forward to January and February movies. They're almost never particularly great (with some exceptions -- The Grey came out in January, as did Haywire), but they're usually fun.

Videosift's Sarzy's Top Ten Films Of 2016

Sarzy says...

Yeah, I'll admit that I don't quite get the love for that one. I definitely liked it -- I loved the world they created, and it had some pretty great moments -- but I found the central mystery a bit dull. To be fair, though, I watch a ton of TV, so I might just be a bit burned out on watching people solve crimes.

StukaFox said:

No Zootopia? Opinion discarded.

Videosift's Sarzy's Top Ten Films Of 2016

Sarzy says...

Arrival was indeed pretty great -- if this were a top 20, or even a top 15, it would have been on there for sure. I just couldn't squeeze it in to my top 10.

ChaosEngine said:

@Sarzy no Arrival? I thought that was one of the smartest sci-fi movies I've seen in ages.

Videosift's Sarzy's Top Ten Films Of 2016

Thumper review (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

Do you consider the film Die Hard a Christmas movie? (User Poll by eric3579)

Sarzy says...

If it's a Wonderful Life is a Christmas movie (because aside from the last scene that everyone remembers, it pretty much has nothing to do with Christmas), then Die Hard is definitely a Christmas movie.


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