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Dog with Perfect Pitch


Guy From Scream Decides to Kill It With Music

SWBStX says...

That's the theme from Requiem for a Dream... Doesn't seem so out of place being played by a guy dressed like this on an accordion

Insane Gravity-Defying Aircraft

SWBStX says...

I feel like this would likely be more impressive if we had something in the background to use as a frame of reference. With a gray sky behind and nothing else I couldn't really tell what it was doing that was so impressive. Maybe it's just me though.

Game of Thrones - Season 2 New Trailer

SWBStX says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

>> ^shuac:
>> ^JiggaJonson:
Danarys is not supposed to get the unsullied until the third book... -_-
Part of why I've liked the series so far is the fact that they followed the books so closely. I'm gonna be disappointed if they stray from that formula.

Christ, there's only been one season so far. How could you get used to that aspect so quickly? Especially since it isn't true: toward the end of season 1, they dip into book 2 a little bit (Arya and Gendry joining Yoren for their trip to the wall) I'm just gonna call a little bullshit on you. Just a tinsy bit, mind you.
Besides...all the books after book 1 do not have enough going on to warrant their own 10 episode arc. Not like book 1 had. So in short: they are absolutely picking & choosing the best story elements of book 2 and 3 for season 2. Live with it. Or don't.
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ SPOILER ALERT @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
I trust the show runners to understand that to have, for example, the red wedding in season 2 would be too early. That's probably a season 3 storyline. But as far as Daenerys goes: what does she actually do for all of book 2? Not that much: she travels the desert, goes to Qarth, and walks through that magic room maze thing. Yaaaawn.
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ SPOILER ALERT @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
My big concern is getting HBO to see the series through to the end without canceling it. That's the real cliffhanger.

I'm sorry, bullshit on what, exactly? That they didn't stick to the story line of the book in the first season?

The only glaring example of that, I can think of in the first season, is when Caitlyn visits Jamie Lanister at the camp and gets him to admit pushing Brann out of the window. That and I guess the part you mentioned. But, to be fair, Arya's last chapter in Game of Thrones ends with him cutting off her hair and telling her to go with him; the show shows her being called to the cart right after that happened. That insignificant difference is far cry from introducing an entirely new set of characters/plot element from a different book a whole season too soon.
Find me more glaring examples of not closely following the plot and we'll have something to discuss, until then...
throws bullshit back @shuac

They are doing their best to keep each season within the book it's supposed to parallel but the big issue is the the books get bigger. A Clash of Kings is longer than A Game of Thrones by a bit and A Storm of Swords is substantially longer than both of those. *Spoiler Alert* To be able to fit the red wedding into the end of season 3 they are going to need to get started with a bit of book 3 at the end of the 2nd season. These guys have done a fantastic job of adapting season one so I've still got very high hopes for future seasons.

Florence + the Machine: Seven Devils -- Music Video

SWBStX says...

>> ^alien_concept:

The entirety of Ceremonials is fucking amazing and everyone should have it, listen to it and LOVE it!!

What he said! This album is a must have!

I'm a little confused by this video though. I don't recognize all of the video clips, but a good number of them are just taken from other Florence and the Machine music videos. Since we never actually see her singing any of the lyrics of this song along with the music I must say I'm somewhat skeptical at the authenticity of it actually being done by the band. But I could very wrong about that as well.

The Ultimate 1980s Hair Metal Explosion - White Lion - Wait

KPOPSTAR (singing competition) Su Pearls SICK performance

SWBStX says...

I skipped around at the end but these girls didn't look too happy with what the judges were saying near the end... anyone know what they were told?

Speed Bump

SWBStX says...

>> ^robbersdog49:

>> ^jimnms:
That is just ridiculous. Last week I drove through a neighborhood that had these big long speed bumps on the road. I was going the speed limit, but if you go faster than 5 MPH on the bumps your front bumper bottoms out when you come off it. They don't give much of a warning either, the speed bump sign is about 5ft. from the first bump. If they're going to have a 25 MPH speed limit here, they at least need to have speed bumps that you can go over at the fucking speed limit.

The limit is a limit, not a requirement. It's the fastest you're allowed to go, not the speed at which you must travel. Simple fact is that the slower you go the safer you and other road users are. If the speed bumps make you slow down below the speed limit then they're doing their job.

It is not a simple fact that the slower you go the safer you are. People who drive too slowly can be a serious danger on the road as well. Eg, those assholes who don't understand that you shouldn't merge onto a highway at 40 mph. That's more likely to cause a wreck than someone who is driving a bit over the speed limit.

Car disintegrates.

Game Of Thrones Season 2 Trailer HD

SWBStX says...

>> ^obscenesimian:

Looks really crappy. Low budget and sort of weak.

Yeah, not at all weak and certainly not low budget. It's the most expensive series HBO has ever made to date having topped Rome which was their previous high mark.

Cold War Kids - I've seen enough

22 Bond Movies in One Minute

OK Go - Needing/Getting Official Video

SWBStX says...

No Questions these guys make the best music videos currently, probably the best ever. Simply awesome!

If you never saw their last video on it's own website you really should check it out. It's optimized for Google Chrome but it works fine with Firefox as well. It opens up nearly two dozen windows and re-sizes and moves them around throughout the video and even lets you put in your own line of text to see in the video in a really interesting way.

Check it out at

Cockatoo sings Super Mario Theme

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