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A Tribute to Communism

Red says...

Here's some quote from Marx and Engels which could be A PART of an explanation for what happened in the "communists" countries. I couldn't find the most interesting quote on these topic, and cant really go in an extended explanation in my foreign english, but I urge people to read Marx and Engels instead of knowing them through intermediary.

"The Commune was formed of the municipal councillors, chosen by universal suffrage in the various wards of the town, responsible and revocable at short terms [...] Like the rest of public servants, magistrates and judges were to be elective, responsible, and revocable.[...] Instead of deciding once in three or six years which member of the ruling class was to misrepresent the people in Parliament, universal suffrage was to serve the people, constituted in Communes, as individual suffrage serves every other employer in the search for the workmen and managers in his business. And it is well-known that companies, like individuals, in matters of real business generally know how to put the right man in the right place, and, if they for once make a mistake, to redress it promptly. On the other hand, nothing could be more foreign to the spirit of the Commune than to supercede universal suffrage by hierarchical investiture [...] The Commune made that catchword of bourgeois revolutions - cheap government - a reality by destroying the two greatest sources of expenditure: the standing army and state functionarism. [...] It supplied the republic with the basis of really democratic institutions. [...] It wanted to make individual property a truth by transforming the means of production, land, and capital, now chiefly the means of enslaving and exploiting labor, into mere instruments of free and associated labor[...] What else, gentlemen, would [this] be but communism, "possible" communism?"
The Civil War in France, Karl Marx

"Question:Then you do not believe that community of property has been possible at any time?
Answer: No. Communism has only arisen since machinery and other inventions made it possible to hold out the prospect of an all-sided development, a happy existence, for all members of society. Communism is the theory of a liberation which was not possible for the slaves, the serfs, or the handicraftsmen, but only for the proletarians and hence it belongs of necessity to the 19th century and was not possible in any earlier period."
Draft of a Communist Confession of Faith, Friedrich Engels
(note that ALL "communist" revolutions happen in country in which most of the population where peasant)

"Will it be possible for this revolution to take place in one country alone?
No. By creating the world market, big industry has already brought all the peoples of the Earth, and especially the civilized peoples, into such close relation with one another that none is independent of what happens to the others."
Principles of communism, Friedrich Engels

Watch This Clip W/ Joe Stiglitz,& Be Smarter Than Obama

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The Problem With Anecdotes

Meet the future piano

Red says...

>> ^charliem:
Ideally it should give a more full sound, with more control over how the note is played, rather than just force > volume as per traditional digital pianos.

Long time since +-velocity = +-volume, these day the basic sampling will have at the very least 4 samples per tone, but ultimately the synthesizing paradigm will take over for every instrument will it be drum, string, horn, and so on...

TinTin Intro

Sam Harris Discussing Islam in the News - MUST SEE

Red says...

«Singapore would become one of the most important commercial and military centres of the British Empire, and the hub of British power in Southeast Asia.»

« When the Communist Party of Malaya tried to take over Malaya and Singapore by force, a state of emergency was declared in June 1948. The emergency lasted for 12 years. Towards the end of 1953, the British government appointed a commission under Sir George Rendel to review Singapore's constitutional position and make recommendations for change. The Rendel proposals were accepted by the government and served as the basis of a new constitution that gave Singapore a greater measure of self-government. »

«The PAP had come to power in a united front with the communists to fight British colonialism. The communists controlled many mass organizations, especially of workers and students. It was an uneasy alliance between the PAP moderates and the pro communists, with each side trying to use the other for its own ultimate objective--in the case of the moderates, to obtain full independence for Singapore as part of a non-communist Malaya; in the case of the communists, to work towards a communist take-over.»

The PAP finally struck an independence deal with the British. Go figure. (S'pore is since a member of the Commonwealth.)

«Singapore's strategy for survival and development was essentially to take advantage of its strategic location and the favourable world economy. »

Not to mention that Singapore as an HEAVILY interventionist government - which practice eugenics o_0.

Non-violence ? Yearn for economic success? Ingenuity ? or History ?


Sam Harris Discussing Islam in the News - MUST SEE

Red says...

And how the heck WAR on terror is supposed to help this culture of economic prosperity. And ain't Malaysia the best example above India, Thailand, ... of peace and prosperity, a Muslim country.

Sam Harris Discussing Islam in the News - MUST SEE

Red says...

Singapore ? Is this the best example you could come up with ? Come on

You think that violence is much more of a culture in the Muslim world then in Orient as opposed to economic prosperity. Their "cultural" difference may as well be the result of history as opposed to being it's cause. Ain't the tradition of commerce and trade ingrained in the Muslim culture ? Wasn't Mohammed itself a trader ? Ain't violence really NEVER a means of (national) economic prosperity ? Talk of this to the U.S. and it's neo-colonial warfare or of those country that seeks their national independence like... well the U.S. What? You want to nail down economic progress in their mind with an hammer ? Economic opportunity may as well been the factor to explain this cultural difference as giving them economic opportunity may be the solution.

What could be a better example then... well Singapore the trading port of Asia.

The Little Match Girl

Red says...

The little girl seems much to healthy and happy for someone who's on the breach of death. It's seems to be me that the social critic of this tale has been smooth out (like in most of Disney's work btw). It disappointed me since the story and the animation has otherwise great potential. Adding this to the less compromising social critic and depth of emotion in which someone like Isao Takahata dare to go would have made a great animation of this.

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Jim Moran describes the crux of election '08

Jim Moran describes the crux of election '08

La Rage by Keny Arkana, french female rapper (with subs)

Red says...

Cette rage "brute" ne conduit pas nécessairement d'emblée à une transformation de la société ce qu'on malheureusement montré les révoltes de banlieues en France d'y il a quelques années

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