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Razor says...

"beaten brutly [sic]?"

I must have missed the part when the couple got curb-stomped. This was nothing more than bitch slaps and hair pulling. Come back to me when there's some blood spewing and broken noses/teeth/ribs/organs =P

In honor of westy's recent 'Siftquisition'

Fight Club - I am jacks smerking revenge (NSFW)

A Crazy / Brilliant Idea (Videogames Talk Post)

Razor says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
He's prolly using that track for copyright reasons.

Yep. This was a consequence of Yahtzee's newfound fame. He had no choice but to dump the songs apparently. Sad, because I thought it added a creative touch to his commentary. I guess it didn't count as fair use because he wasn't reviewing the music itself.

United Breaks Guitars

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