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Irony at it's finest. (Eia Talk Post)

Razor says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
What's so sad about a push to standardize a national language? If you're going to be a citizen, speak the damn language of the nation you live in.

Just another way to insight prejudice. Why are so many people ready to jump down someone's throat if they have an accent? Or have difficulty speaking English, which is arguably one of the hardest languages as a second to learn and incredibly fucked up?

It's sad because of how that push is used... an excuse to treat people as second class because they struggle with a language, regardless of there fluency and intelligence in another.

Besides, if everyone knew English shit like this would never happen =)

Puttin' on the Ritz: Taco!

It's Hard Being a Smoker!

Razor says...

>> ^Lolthien:
(seriously, almost no evidence second hand smoke is more dangerous than any other normal thing a person would do like drive or walk or ride a bike) geez, give the folks a break.

Frankly, that's bullshit. There are numerous studies that illustrate the negative effects of second-hand smoke. Here's a start:

Google "second hand smoke studies" and you will find plenty of evidence, and since when did biking or walking increase my risk for lung cancer?

If people want to pollute their bodies with cigarette smoke it's really up to them. I don't see why their right to smoke should override my right to breathe clean air. Or have to see tossed cigarettes all over the fucking place. Is it really that hard to dispose of them properly?

I was ecstatic when my city (and now province) banned smoking in restaurants, bars and other public buildings. Claiming that smoking is perfectly legal depends on where you live.

Any gamers in the crowd? (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

Razor says...

On and aside, WTF is with the comment system removing the plus symbol from comments? My system specs look like they were written by a retard =P

Edit: Fixed it. Still don't get what happened.

Any gamers in the crowd? (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

Razor says...

I'm a long time PC Gamer. While I cut my teeth on Colecovision and Atari, PC gaming still remains my favourite way to play.

Traditionally I've been mainly a FPS gamer, starting off on Wolfenstein 3D and moving on from there. Quake II multiplayer (and Action Quake 2) took up good amounts of my time in the late 90s. Even went to a couple competitions. Shit, has it been that long?

My library has gotten pretty big over the years: Doom (Ultimate, II and 3), Quake (original, II, III and 4), Unreal, System Shock 2 (one of my all-time favourites), Deus Ex (don't get the sequel, it sucks), Half-Life (original with expansions, 2 and both episodes), Team Fortress 2, FarCry, Crysis (which kinda sucked), S.T.A.L.K.E.R (one of the scariest games I've ever played), FEAR, Bioshock, No One Lives Forever 2 (fucking awesome, I hope a good sequel is eventually made), WoW with both expansions, Fallout 3, BF2, BF2142, RTCW, a bunch of Star Wars Games like Jedi Knight and X-Wing vs TIE Fighter... and that's just what I remember having and not merely what I have played =P I don't think I want to know how much I've spent on games over the years.

I'm an addict =)

I continue to build custom PCs for my gaming needs. My current system is a AMD 64 X2 4200 + 4GB DDR2 6400 + GeForce 8800GTS 640MB + RAID 0+1 array running Windows Vista (yes, all my games work, even the real old ones), soon to be Windows 7. I've calmed down on the upgrade front and mainly just build a new system instead when the time is right. In this case that might happen in the next year or so. Then again, I may just upgrade storage and video. Who knows?

This is a hobby I don't think I'll ever outgrow. It's cool how PC gaming has gone full circle and is getting back to it's indie roots (remember Apogee and Epic Megagames shareware?). Valve is helping this a ton with Steam, making easier for one-man operations to put out profitable games. I'm considering trying some game development of my own.

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Fear Mongering About Health Care Reform From The Right Wing

Razor says...

LOL. I could of sworn I heard "mother fuck".

The US is so ass-backwards compared to other developed countries when it comes to health care. It makes me laugh that so many people are opposed to providing care to everyone. Oh wait, it's just the rich that will "suffer" that don't want it.

Boo-fucking-hoo. Makes me very glad I live in Canada.

Steele struggles to name his own health care plan provider

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