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People Are Awesome 2013

Macgyver and the new Citan - your childhood mined for cash.

RadHazG says...

In the interests of fairness, while it was exploitation of my childhood the vast vast majority was Mac and not the Citan. The car just happened to be along for the ride. Very tasteful at least.

Male to Female - 3 Year Timeline

RadHazG says...

didnt know what FFS meant till I read the comments but extrapolated that *some* kind of surgery was involved the change was so drastic around midway through.

Neil Patrick Harris Has Puppet Dreams And A Penis Weasel

Silence on the Power Point limitation? (Money Talk Post)

RadHazG says...

Speaking from personal experience as one who only just recently got silver, I have a stockpile of points not because I intended to do so, but because there wasn't anything much I could do with them besides promote my own video's (not something I do often). It makes a kind of sense to limit the new folks like this as there isn't much they can do with the points anyway and it keeps them from going nuts with the points they accumulate in the meantime the instant they get to use them on other things. I do think that a max of 1 for each year is a bit stiff though. 2 per year or something? At least something that scales slightly more?

Mary Matalin and Van Jones on CNN

RadHazG says...

Well, as long as the Right decides to keep acting like this dead eyed brain washed ignorant fool, I think the Dems can look forward to another record setting election in two years. "Not Conservative enough" is only going to get you so far before you start alienating a significant part of the electorate, as this past election showed everyone. If they really want to double down on that, fine. Just means we'll be dealing with a 1.5 party system soon enough. Not exactly something I would welcome, encourage or even want.

Williams on Trump- "Driven past last exit to relevance"

RadHazG says...

I love the absolute tone of derision in his voice, it clearly states that he thinks this is in no way newsworthy (it isn't) and he's probably more than a little annoyed at having to report it in any way.

Romney Asked 14 Times if he'd De-fund FEMA

Dodgeball Ninja

Dodgeball Ninja

Interactive Cloud Made from 6,000 Light Bulbs

It's NOT Football Dammit!

RadHazG says...

Long story short, they are both called football because they both have origins in Rugby Football. It developed in one direction here in the US, in the other... everywhere else. And simply didn't evolve at all in Australia. I find it a little aggravating myself and I LIVE here, but like so many things it didn't matter back when it was made and after a certain point it was so ingrained in the culture that it's simply "that way" and no amount of effort will ever change it.

Star Wars Tie Fighter Animated

Star Wars Tie Fighter Animated

Dubstep love song!

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