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TYT - Romney: Why Don't Airplane Windows Roll Down?

Quboid says...

I think it was a joke.

Is it that unreasonable anyway? People seem to be assuming that if it's not a joke, that he means windows that passengers can wind down like a car but obviously they'd be locked except when in an emergency and the plane is less than 10,000 feet up. If the plane is on the runway and it fills with smoke, being able to open the windows might help. Or it might bring in more oxygen and make the fire much worse...

Joe Scarborough reacts to Romney clip

Seth Macfarlane Can't Find the Mic at The Emmys 2012


Registering voters at Safeway -- IF you support Romney

Quboid says...

I almost feel sorry for her, because everyone involved with this is going to deny everything and leave her carrying the can. I say almost because, although I don't think she knew the extent of what she was doing, she seemed to know this wasn't entirely legit and anyway, she should have known how bad this is.

The only 11 seconds of internet you need today

White Boy Drops Sick Beat

Quboid says...

>> ^poolcleaner:

>> ^ypsilon:
Vertical Video Syndrome!
But the kid is cool

Adaptation applies to video formats, doesn't it?
The vertical format is essentially a portrait view, which although is not typical to video, is acceptable for still frames. Why? Because of accepted status quo introduced by standards required for viewing and filming because of the costs of the analog systems used to create film/video. i.e. A time when you couldn't turn your television, projection systems, or computer monitors sideways -- something that a lot more people are doing nowadays; I have a vertical monitor at work and I've seen a few massive vertical monitors used for business menus or marques. We've been due a new acceptable format for YEARS. I believe this new, viable format is the portrait view that smartphones have opened, but it's the uninitiated and unbiased that will accept this format, not us old fogies.
Now, you can go ahead and list off reasons for preferring landscape view, especially citing the typical field of view for human sight, but it doesn't invalidate the choice, considering the media was created with a camera phone, which is designed with these options in mind. Camera phone is a sub-medium, which offers it additional standards, one of which is portrait view. If the subject choice is a human, we stand vertical, so portrait really is best suited for capturing human form. (Also, caputring a BJ is best done in portrait, but that's just my perverted opinion.)
Quick, someone invent a triangle camera!

IMHO it's not that it's portrait, it's that everything is geared to landscape. This video has more black space than content, why? Why isn't the YouTube embed portrait?

Banned iphone 5 Promo

Quboid says...

How black is the IPS screen's black? This is something I never hear discussed yet is more important than the difference between 300 PPI and 330 PPI. An AMOLED screen showing black in a dark room is invisible, as it should be, while my back-lit monitors and TVs throw out almost enough light to read with.

Bear Showing Off his Mad Stick Twirlling Skillz

Obie, The Obese Dachshund

Emma Watson is Dangerous!

Quboid says...

@ForgedReality, it is very much a "girl next door" thing. Maybe that's why people make what seems to me to be assumptions about her personality, she looks friendly, approachable and fun; but then her job is to look like something she's not. I find the girl next door look to be much more enduringly attractive than Angelina Jolie type drop dead gorgeous, but it is just a look. Calling this look cute rather than hot makes sense, but it's sexy cute. My 10 week old kitten is cute but that's a very different cute to Emma Watson!

I'm not sure what you mean with regard to @Kofi. I think he meant that men who grew up with the films and were around 12 years old when she was 12, so that's a fair enough crush - but now, as a 20 year old, they watch the first Harry Potter movie and those feelings are gone and they're left with a little girl who's cute like my kitten, not like adult Emma.

Emma Watson is Dangerous!

Quboid says...

>> ^ForgedReality:

I honestly don't understand the big deal about her...

I think she's very hot (and I haven't seen any Harry Potter films and don't have any weird under-age mental images) but the 'net's opinion of her seems nutty. Why do people think she's any less vacuous or self centred than anyone else? I can't help but feel that it's at least 90% because they find her attractive, which is ironically vacuous.

Hula Cam at Burning Man 2012

Quboid says...

Yeah, this definitely shouldn't be in sexuality. After all, clearly none of these people were picked because of how sexy they look, and definitely none of us watching it happened to find ourselves looking at T or indeed A.

"Lincoln" Trailer - Steven Spielberg & Daniel Day-Lewis

Quboid says...

>> ^kir_mokum:

pros: daniel day lewis
cons: americana skeet fest, spielberg.
guess i wont be seeing this one.

To be fair, that's one heck of a pro. DDL is one of the greats (I don't know who DDD is but I'm sure he's great too).

Barking Cat Trolls Dogs From Window

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