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Rocket Powered Golf Club.

Porksandwich says...

Looked more like someone put a firework on it and hoped it'd look convincing. But I'd watch golf if they put rockets on their clubs, golf carts and stuff. Mostly for the injuries and bloopers.

Hell put them on their stuff and let some random guy in the crowd pick when to fire them off via remote. That'd be fun to watch.

So You Wanted To Know What Is Inside of A Giant Cyst?

WTF is going on with the slow traffic in Russia

Unreal Stunt With Two Women/Ladies On Bikes/Bicycles

Porksandwich says...

>> ^lurgee:

from the land of the best sausage, best cars and the best beer. Germany.
note to self: search the intertubes for a sugar mama from deutschland.

If you find one, make sure she doesn't want you to do stunt bikes like this. Your nuggets would be flattened look at how they have to ride on the handle bars and such.

Handcuffed Man Shot, Killed Himself In Cop Car? -- TYT

Porksandwich says...

Sounds bad. But just leaning my head back and trying to look behind me gets the temple of my head far enough out that I could theoretically shoot myself in the head without hitting myself anywhere else. I can see it being a possibility. But they really suck at frisking if they couldn't locate the gun on the guy, and that in and of itself is something that should be looked the very least he could have killed both of them or someone at the station when they brought him in. That's where my suspicion lies, that they failed to find a gun in the first place not that he could have shot himself in the head. After all they are supposed to be professionals, and there was two of them...finding a weapon as big and bulky as a gun should be in their wheelhouse.

7 Day Old Hedgehog Takes a Nap

Snoring dog wakes to the smell of food

Porksandwich says...

People wake up to smells. The point of the fire detector is that you might not be able to detect it at certain levels. It's also why we have carbon monoxide testers too, since we can't smell that period.

Once it reaches the "You wake up because of X", you might be in a room surrounded by flames and unable to escape...that's the point of having a fire detector to screech at you.

Also smoke doesn't just come in full blast, it does it gradually most times. You may not wake up to it if it were very gradual about it's increase until it became overwhelming. Much like with sound you can sleep through rain, but when a huge lightning strike followed up by rolling thunder will wake you up. Breaking glass is also a good example.

Extremely SICK Guy Thinks His Sister Is Hot!!

Porksandwich says...

>> ^rottenseed:

Don't you know? There only exists 1 joke and everything is a remix of it. That joke, in its most basic state, is about incest/rape/pedophilia.>> ^sillma:
Is this the ANCIENT joke of star wars? Turned into narrated video with staggered text? Ah well, it's an awesome joke all the same

I thought it was bodily function jokes, primarily farts.

3 Armed Magic Trick

Porksandwich says...

That thing on the back has something to do with is my guess. It doesn't look like it controls the arm lift directly or at all. So it's moving the internals under the balls. Maybe the cups are magnetized, but a more intense magnet is under the table. So wherever it comes to rest, the ball in the cup is held down instead of sticking to the cup.

My guess. I don't see how the arms could be modified to do it, because you can see the mechanism controlling their side to side movement and how it's attached.

New York City 2012 Olympics Promo Video

Porksandwich says...

I don't see why any city would want the Olympics, especially big established cities. It seems like when it's over it all goes to shit because it costs too much to operate or there's not enough people to use it and willing to pay to make it worth operating.

And during the time of it being there and leading up to, all transportation would be overloaded, the rest of the city would experience strains on everything. And then when all the extra population leaves, you have to clean up which adds more artificial burden.

Atlanta would be the one to look to. And I haven't heard anything overly negative about it, they broke even. But overall it wasn't any huge plus to the city, aside from intangible feel-good things. And it had impacts across the country, like the National Guard being called in to help police the event and all the work they left behind when they were gone for weeks.

Can think of lots of other things a city could decide they want to do and actually create something useful and long lasting, not something they spend 4-5 years on and end up with some TV footage and memories and maybe a lot of debt.

Outrageous Example Of Corporate Greed From Caterpillar - TYT

Porksandwich says...

They are building a new plant near me. And honestly I think the people wanting to get hired there would probably take a six year pay freeze as part of their employment agreement. It's them using the out of work people in the area from GM closure and other closures to put the squeeze on their current employees, and their employees if they've been unemployed at all HAVE to know that they could be replaced.

My hope is that in 5 and 10 years time, people remember what was done by Caterpillar and choose to not buy their products and work for competitors when the same wage is offered. If people actually remembered and took historical decisions (not in the past year, but 5 or 10 years and more) in their context of the time and use that in their decision making....I just don't see how a company could withstand doing that kind of shit for long.

Unfortunately, people have very short memories and what happened last week, last hour, last minute, last second mentality in all things involving money now. Corporations have fostered that, but people have bowed to it.

I really doubt they get 6 years agreement, but I bet they get at least 3 years on a wage freeze. I also bet their products go up in price more than if the wages had not been frozen, and they end up blaming the workers/unions for those price increases. Insurance will be my first guess on what they blame specifically for costs. And they will secretly question all of those worker comp claims, because those frozen wages probably lead to a lot of disgruntled employees that they now have to monitor more closely and hire extra managers to watch.

Shameless product placement on TV

Porksandwich says...


Anything worth watching gets canceled or threatened anymore. And they wonder why they have trouble keeping certain demographics when they only keep the teen-angst drama stuff, CSI, and game shows.

Ever notice they also have big surges of similar TV shows debuted every year? One year it's lots of cop shows. Next year it's medical. I've always wondered why they don't try .....alternative their releases so they aren't all putting out the same "new" themed shows.

Shameless product placement on TV

Porksandwich says...

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^Porksandwich:
Chuck and the Subway stuff was because Subway basically kept that show on the air through at least one and maybe two cancellations.

Oh, I know that Subway saved Chuck, and for characters to eat the product is fine... but when they stop to list the ingredients, or have whole scenes set in a subway restaurant... it really lessons the show and makes you think it might have been better letting it die.
The Google Wallet product placement in Fringe was completely out of place, didn't fit in with the story, made you think there'd be some plot point to do with using that form of payment... but no, just a big old close up of a guy paying using Google Wallet and then a couple of characters talking about it later, trying to suggest 'it's how people pay for things now'... urgh, so painful

Yeah the stuff in Fringe really bugs me, especially since it's a good show and they keep threatening to cancel the good shows. So the story line is all screwed up and confusing because they keep having to come back from these "the end of series........maybe" shows.

Chuck......I knew the story behind them giving Subway time didn't bug me as much. It was a goofy show.

Community did a much better job of putting Subway in the show and making it funny with the "Subway" character.

Shameless product placement on TV

Porksandwich says...

Chuck and the Subway stuff was because Subway basically kept that show on the air through at least one and maybe two cancellations.

Subway I believe also saved Community, they were funny with it in some ways, but still lots of "Subway" mentions.

I really can't fault those when they actually keep the show on the air that would have otherwise been canceled. Though, yes they do go overboard.

What I am getting tired of is EVERY show using the GPS, Phone answer, etc features on cars and then explaining it to other characters in the show for a sizable amount of time. This has been happening more and more. They do it with phones too, but I swear the car ones are like cut and paste...not disguised at all or deviated from much at all on a show by show basis.

HP Offers 'That Cloud Thing Everyone Is Talking About'

Porksandwich says...

>> ^Lendl:

Side discussion: purposefully not putting parody and comedy tags to avoid spoiling it vs just put them on there anyway to avoid confusing people?

Soon as you start the video you can see the onion - NN symbol. Even if you don't, I think it stands either might as well categorize it properly.

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