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HP Offers 'That Cloud Thing Everyone Is Talking About'

Porksandwich says...

So we went from big mainframe servers built to run under lots of load and be super redundant. To moving to PCs because processing power and memory was getting cheaper, and it allowed you to do hobby projects and start small businesses without all the mainframe costs.

Now we are going from very powerful personal computers that can store lots of data (although backing it up is rather tricky/expensive to do well). To going back to trying to put everything on a mainframe/server again, but this time it uses the the internet instead of dial up connections, lans, etc.

That's fine, if they can make backing stuff up cheaper and more reliable via the new offerings...awesome. I just have a hard time wrapping my head around the idea of "The Cloud" being anything more than masking the client/server relationship.

The cloud to me makes it sounds more like a branding name for a service than the terminology you should use to describe all servers with internet access that allow you to store and access data. Sounds like something you'd use to describe it to your grandmother or kid. Makes people feel warm and safe like their data can never be lost......and that's a lie.

Sight (A short futuristic film)

Porksandwich says...

Was a show called Black Mirror that had two episodes that this reminded me of. Basically people put into little cubes who exercised, watch commercials and such for credits they spent to live.

And then another where people were implanted with a device that recorded their memories, and their employees would brain dump them....... They could show their memories to other people on TVs with little remotes they carry.

Was a pretty messed up show, but interesting.

Save yourself if you're choking and alone

Porksandwich says...

Even more important to chew thoroughly when your throat is sore or irritated.

I know someone who choked to death from eating chips too soon after being intubated for appendix removal. If it hurts to swallow, don't eat hard foods that will irritate it further and potentially kill you. They are hard to dislodge too since the swollen passage will tend to hold it and swell up more.

Why Charlie Murphy Couldn't Be His Brother's Security Guard

How to open a can without a can opener

Back Away BMW Bitch

Porksandwich says...

Street has a lot of obvious non-commuter vehicles there. If that had been going on for awhile, I could see people getting pissed that they can't drive down the street.

Although anyone who reacts like that when they have an obvious way to avoid it should be ashamed. However it does piss me off to no end when I pull off to the side to let someone pass and they trap me there as punishment for my courteousness.

Bogus Beggar

Porksandwich says...

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

>> ^Porksandwich:
it's not much different than people who work the same job as you and complaining about not having enough money and need a few bucks over and over. Especially once you find out that they don't have kids or the majority of the expenses you do and probably spend their money getting drunk or pissing it away in some other fashion.
It's absolutely nothing like that.

Sure it is. It's someone who could keep 10 bucks in their pocket, like you do, to pay for their lunch/gas/etc rather than asking for money repeatedly. If they never pay you back, you've got yourself a beggar. Hell most people would give MORE money to a co-worker who asked than a beggar on the street, because they'd assume they'd get paid back.....which is not always the case.

Just a difference in scale, she's hitting dozens if not hundreds of people a day for a couple bucks. Co-workers who don't payback can hit the employee base only so much before people catch on, so they will make their rounds and space it out. Both usually include a sob story, money problems, or family true as your imagination can make them from the little bit they feed you to get that cash out of your hand.

And it sounds horrible, but there are people who work making decent money who do this stuff for whatever's a game or they supplement their income enough to make it worthwhile, etc.

Hell there's a guy I know who was convinced one of his co-workers was hard up and kept giving this guy part of his lunch or money for lunch. The guy he was giving this stuff to was doing this to half a dozen people at least, worked the same job as the rest of them...making the same or similar money. Had less familial obligations than most and kept it up for a good long while...months and months. I wouldn't doubt he made half a day's pay on some weeks doing that free lunches every day.

He may not be a beggar by the definition of the word, but he was still begging IMO which kinda.....makes him a beggar.

Another NONONONO Cat

Porksandwich says...

My parents had a cat, when I was growing up, that was deathly afraid of a blue shammie-like material. We called it devil material because she would freak out if it was brought close to her. It didn't smell strange to me...and AFAIK it was new when we bought it so it shouldn't have smelled like another animal that wasn't in the house. And she was afraid of it for months and years through many washings. And was afraid of materials like it, especially if they were blue. Was a one had any guesses as to why she was like that and we had her for all of her life minus a few weeks in the beginning when she was born to a half-tamed stray some neighbors of my grandma had. She lived to be almost 18 years old and never dropped these weird quirks, I just assumed they were because she was part siamese...they are known for being amped up and weird.

Bogus Beggar

Porksandwich says...

Hell my dad worked at GM. There was a guy there who begged right outside the plant. The guy made so much money he had a driver who drove a brand new Cadillac sitting around the corner so he could get in and warm up between shift changes. Very few people caught on, even after my dad told them what the guy was doing...they thought my dad was just being an asshole for not giving the guy money.

It's a shitty thing to do, but it's not much different than people who work the same job as you and complaining about not having enough money and need a few bucks over and over. Especially once you find out that they don't have kids or the majority of the expenses you do and probably spend their money getting drunk or pissing it away in some other fashion.

Is it fraud......technically yes. But considering on the scale of things, it's not much different than the sales guy who tells you what you want to hear about something and has to be asked question after question to get an honest non-deflected answer from the guy. Beggar could have hurt their back in an accident, they are just letting you fill in the extent of the injury with your imaginings. Hell I've hurt my back bending over picking something up......if I show up in a wheel chair and tell you I hurt my back when I was lifting........ and that's all you ask most people would assume something heavy or weights.

Conan O'Brien reviews "Minecraft"

Porksandwich says...

Fired up Minecraft last week after a long break. They've added a bunch of stuff to it. Jungle biomes, teleporting NPCs.

But the worst by far are still the hissers, I swear they spawn behind me. Frustrating as hell.

Although I did get knocked off a very high cliff by a skeleton and lost a bunch of my diamond stuff. I am not sure why dropped items by player death disappear faster than the rocks you mine and leave on the floor. Can come back hours later and pick up 100+ blocks. But the 10 minutes it took me to to find where I died and how to get back to it cost me a significant portion of my stuff.

I find it far too boring to play without the monsters though.

How to open a can without a can opener

Self-Freezing Coke

Porksandwich says...

Cool that it freezes and all, but .......the mostly non-mixed frozen drinks taste like crap. All the water freezes, you drink all the syrup out that doesn't freeze. Then what you're left with is a very watered down drink, and if you are still thirsty you gotta buy something else or drink that that weird tasting watery drink.

The gas station chains that have the mixing frozen drink machines seem to fare better for me in the taste department. Dunno if it's the straw or the way it's mixed, but it doesn't taste super sweet at the beginning and doesn't taste like a watered down soda at the end.

Man of Steel - Teaser Trailer

Porksandwich says...

Aww I was hoping they did a spin off of Superman where he became a crab fisher and Mike Rowe voiced over his adventures. And then he later went on to be an ice road trucker and cheated using his super powers.

I said that jokingly, but you know......we mere humans could understand that crap. Sure he could still save people and be all heroic, but journalism is the opposite of interesting. Got some dude who can bench press cars and he's writing articles instead of doing the work of 10 guys labor in a day in one hour and running around rescuing people the rest of the day.

He could be both the common man (manual labor) and a super hero.

I always liked when Superman was not all super-positive....when he was getting into fights in restaurants and stuff. I mean your life as a secret super hero would be pretty damn stressful, and being continually upbeat is annoying.

How to Lay Cinder Blocks Like a Pro

Porksandwich says...

There's the most important thing there that you probably don't think of when trying to do it yourself.

The string.

If someone isn't using string, paint or an equivalent way to keep their work going the way it needs to for spacing and what not, you're going to end up with issues.

Strangely erotic milk ad

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Beggar's Canyon