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GOP Radio Hack: Equality Is Not An American Value.

Oatmeal says...

^ Oh! So I suppose the slaves were free then because they weren't equal to their owners. When "leftists" talk about equality they are talking about rights, not talent or skill. Seriously, how can people be this stupid?

Cat in a Box II

Campaign Fail

Tito the Builder Isn't Happy

Prop 8 spokesman says defeating gays like defeating Hitler

Oatmeal says...

@ dbarry3:

I think the issue here is laws that govern peoples private actions. Say there were some people who didn't chew their food, but instead blended it up and drank it. You might think thats personally not for you, but would you pass laws against it, giving people who drink their food less rights? no that would be ridiculous. Thats the issue here.

This was just a really bad place to park

Spore Creature Creator Video: Apache Helicopter

Kitty fix the printer good.

Digital Conversion PSA

99 Year old Grandmother gets digital cable.

Obama wins BIG @ Oct 15 Debate. (srsly...BIG)

Obama: Small Buisnesses and Health Care; McCain Stunned

Oatmeal says...

Privatized healthcare is a terrible idea altogether. It sets up a system of profiting on peoples ailments and sicknesses. How would the price of healthcare go down? Its not a supply and demand issue, healthcare is always in demand, no matter what the supply. Unless the nation as a whole grows healthier, but under privatized medicine, there is absolutely no incentive for that to happen. No buisness likes to see profits dissapear, and thats why healthcare should not be a buisness.

I Love LMFAHS - My New License Plate (Blog Entry by lucky760)

South Park - How about the new Indiana Jones movie?

Oatmeal says...

A list off the top of my head of various things that were wrong with this movie:

- Fucking Russians invading a U.S. Nuclear Weapons Facility on U.S. soil, that right there set the tone for this being a poorly thought out film.
- The Gophers, Shitty cgi cute animals have no place in an Indy film.
- Now Indy is A former CIA Opperative as well? WTF!?
- Surviving a nuclear blast by hiding in a fridge. The kind of fridge that killed kids by latching from the outside. If a nuclear blast wouldn't tear this super-fridge appart, how the fuck can Indy just kick the door off?
- The motorcycle chase scene with Mutt. Apparently you can just slide sideways under tables on a motorcycle. Speilberg saw the Indian move with a horse sliding under a truck and thought it would some how make more sense with a bike.
- The entire script. Too many examples to list here.
- The crazy ninja natives that blast out of the rock in the tombs. Some how these primitve peoples have incased themselves in the walls and ceiling of this crypt and lie in wait for adventurers. Absoultuely stupid.
- Shia Laboeuf Swinging through vines with monkeys.
- Monkeys that are naturally hostile to Russians. Shia is swinging away with the monkeys in the jungle and having a great time, but when the monkies see russians, they go into crazy attack mode.
- Billions of flesh eating ants.
- Interdimensional Aliens. WTF was George Lucas thinking? If somebody told me that the plot for the new Indy movie involved psychic Russians, Nuclear explosions and aliens, I would have not believed them for a second.

The thing that really pisses me off about this movie is that the Indiana Jones franchise was so awesome before that, during the planning, I'm sure Lucas and Speilberg agreed that the plot didn't matter at all, Everyone will pay to go see an Indy movie, its pure gold.
The plot was shit, and the move made a ridiculous amount of money. There is nothing to stop this from happening again.

George Lucas and Steven Spielberg rape Indiana Jones

Oatmeal says...

Indiana Jones 4 was the worst movie I have seen in a very very long time. Not just because it didn't live up to the hype, but because it was an awful movie by any standard. Any move where a man survies a nuclear blast by hiding in a lead fridge fails.

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